Sale of business (as a going concern)

Sale of Business - Partnership to Partnership (Website=Y)

This simple agreement for the sale of goodwill in an established business by a Partnership to another Partnership includes business names, addresses on the Internet and associated intellectual property, in addition to the normal stock in trade, fixtures and fittings, plant, trade utensils, implements, licences and quotas, etc. Australian legal agreement (any state)

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

Sale of Business - Sole Trader to Company (Website=N)

This simple agreement for the sale of goodwill in an established business by a Sole Trader to a Company includes business names, stock in trade, fixtures and fittings, plant, trade utensils, implements, licences and quotas, and confidential information and/or intellectual property related to running the business, etc. It does not include Internet websites and intellectual property associated with the websites. Australian legal agreement (any state)

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

Sale of Business - Company to Sole Trader (Website=Y)

This simple agreement for the sale of goodwill in an established business by a Company to a Sole Trader includes business names, addresses on the Internet and associated intellectual property, in addition to the normal stock in trade, fixtures and fittings, plant, trade utensils, implements, licences and quotas, etc. Australian legal agreement (any state)

Document image: 
AUD $55.00


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