Personal - Glossary of Terms & Acronyms

Even in our private life a dictionary can contain some important definitions. Here are some words that have found an important place in common parlance in Australia in the last couple of decades:

abate = reduce (noise or nuisance)

abrogate = cancel (responsibility)

AC/DC = bisexual, swinger, swing both ways

acid = see LSD

acid rain = rain that has become more acidic than normal (a pH below 5.0) due to the emission of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which then are absorbed by the water droplets in the formation of rain and dropped to the earth causing damage to the natural environment

active = prepared to engage in political activities

activism = promotion of or encouragement of people to engage in political activities

activist = a member of a campaign who seeks the involvement of others

administrator = a person appointed by the court to take care of your estate if you die intestate

adult = pornographic

aerobics = fashionable keep-fit exercise routine based on increasing oxygen intake to stimulate heart and lungs and muscle tone

affidavit = a written statement sworn or affirmed to be true, similar to a statutory declaration but prepared for a court

affirmation = a declaration that the statement is true, usually defined by a State law such as the Oaths Act, often used by a person who chooses not to make an oath because of its religious connotations

age-discrimination = widespread and established societal norms causing actions against older men/women, purely because of their age

AIDS = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

AIDS-discrimination = widespread and established societal norms causing actions against those suffering from AIDS

AKA = also known as

alcohol = depressant drug

alternative = alternative to establishment, not-for-money, anti-establishment, counter-culture, holding other things to be true or of value

alternative comedy = style of comedy emerging in the 1970's that was outlawed because it used bad language or ideas frowned upon or hidden or not supported by the establishment; became prominent in the 80's now considered part of ordinary culture

alternative medicine = style of medicine rejected or seen of little value by established medical profession

amphetamine = psychostimulant drug; speed, up, fast, louee, goey, whiz, pep pills, uppers; crystal methamphetamine = ice, shabu, crystal meth, glass

anarchist = an activist who promotes anarchy as a way of human freedom and progress

anarchy = a stateless society; a society that is run in the interests of all without the need for a dominant state structure or institution

androgyne = appearing or identify as neither man nor woman

angel dust = PCP; see LSD

animal rights = assigning 'civil rights' to animals as a tactic in a political fight to stop cruelty to animals

anorexia nervosa = medical condition leading to serious emaciation

anti-establishment = openly opposing well established rights to money, property, privilege, power and prestige

ASAP = as soon as possible

asexual = not interested; not sexually attracted (to anyone)

baby-boomer = born in a period of increased-birth-rate after the second world war (1945-55)

base = see speed; see methamphetamine

beneficiary = a person who benefits from a gift, devise or bequest in a Last Will & Testament

benzodiazepine = depressant drug; Diazepam: Valium, Ducene; Oxazepam: Alepam, Murelax, Serepax; Nitrazepam: Alodorm, Mogadon; Temazepam: Normison, Euhypnos, Temaze

bequeath = to make a bequest in a Last Will & Testament

bequest = personal property (money) left to a beneficiary in a Last Will & Testament

BDSM = bondage, domination, sadism, masochism

bigendered =  combination of both male/female

bimbo = young woman in relationship with older man provides services of sexual favour in return for economic favour

binding = contractual requirement which I can't get out of

binding = physical clothing/shoes etc. designed to modify profile

bisexual = interested in, attracted to, and/or sexually active with, both male & female partners

biphobia = fear of, discrimination against, or hatred of bisexuals

bit = elemental information, on-off, in digital systems 0-1

black flag = the symbol of the anarchists

blog = web log; web diary; online journal or newsletter; newsletter or diary on the Internet that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption; often includes philosophical reflection, social or political opinion, etc. See also

blog = web log; web diary; online journal or newsletter; newsletter or diary on the Internet that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption; often includes philosophical reflection, social or political opinion, etc. See also

blogger = one who maintains a blog; one who blogs

bona fide = in good faith, honestly, at fair market value, without deceit or fraud

body bag = battlefield corpse

bong = for smoking dope; see cannabis

born again = radical Christian movements

bottom = one who seeks or adopts a submissive role in sexual activity; See top

box, the = TV

brain dead = body is still alive but no longer human because the brain is incapable of reason; can be an induced state for medical treatment or could be the end of human life

brain drain = the best (skilled labour and educational elite) leave Australia to work overseas; see also maternal brain drain

BSE = Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (mad cow disease)

bulletin board = a virtual space created by an Internet service provider for the posting of messages and information by virtual members (usually members of a special interest group) who are encouraged to post and read and reply to messages that relate to other virtual visitors who frequent that specific bulletin board; communication but not in real time; for real time see chat room

buprenorphine = Subutex, a treatment for severe pain, heroin dependence, reducing the need for methadone

byte = series of 8 bits

cannabis = a vegetable containing the drug THC; sold as marijuana (resin), hashish (concentrated resin), kief (powder), charas (hand-made hashish), bhang (leaves ground into a drink), hash oil (distilled THC), budder (processed hash oil), pipe resin (collected and re-smoked), shake or leaf, acapulco gold, acapulco red, lebanese gold, afghani black, af, black pak, turkish pollen, mexican green, durban poison, congo bush, also called shit, grass, pot, hash, weed, reefer, dope, herb, mull, buddha, ganja, joint, stick, buckets, cones, skunk, hydro, yarndi, smoke, hooch

carbon trading = a market for the sale of rights to pollute

caveat = an attachment legal document warning of an interest that must be taken into account such as an agreement by a third person because of an encumbrance before a legal step can be taken

care order = a direction by the Family Court regarding responsibility for the care of the child

CD = Compact Disk (read only)

CD-R = Compact Disk - Record (write once)

CD-RW = Compact Disk - Read-Write (rewritable)

chat room = a virtual space created by an Internet website supplier, where virtual people created by the user (or visitor or surfer) meet to talk to each other in real time

Chi kong = Chi kung

Chi kung = Chinese energy exercises where breathing and body movement recharge energy

child abuse = physical harm by those in charge of a child, parents, guardians, friend/family, teachers, child-minders

chill-out = pleasurable relaxation

civil rights = what started out as a way of identifying how black Americans were treated differently under the law because of their race, has entered into language as a way of expressing universal human rights in civil society

climate change = see global warming and greenhouse gas emissions

cocaine = stimulant drug; C, coke, flake, nose candy, snow, dust, white, white lady, toot, crack, rock, freebase

codeine = depressant drug

codicil = an attachment legal document attached to the Last Will & Testament that changes some wording or meaning or impact of the Will; not recommended, make a new Will if you can

come out = declare publicly personal homosexuality or a lasting homosexual relationship; See in the closet; See down low

commie; commy = communist; Stalinist

commie bastard = leftie; leftist; left-winger (a term of abuse from the anti-communist days of the Menzies era)

coming out = reveal homosexuality or other hidden LGBTQI profiles

communist = an activist who promotes a communist society as a way of human freedom and progress

communist society = a society that promotes common ownership through a state that owns all the means of production and that is run by a parliament voted in by workers who control the means of production and distribution and vote their political representatives in at their workplace and can sack them at any time; an internationalist movement

computer dating = find a partner on the Internet

conscientious consumerism = campaign for consumers to limit their purchases based on ethical concerns such as problems with pesticides, antibiotics, chemicals, hormones, genetically engineered products and the effects of products on greenhouse gas emissions and global warming

consent order = a direction by the Court based on the consent of both parties that is legally enforceable

conservationist = committed to change for the proper use of limited resources

conservative = oppose all change to preserve the power and prestige and benefit of the status quo

consumerism = personal values are dominated by the importance of shopping and the act of purchase

cookie = a small text file which holds brief information about you when you enter a website, enabling the website to recognise you when you next visit the site

cot death = unexplained death of a newly born child; see SIDS

counter culture = living in a commune separated from normal society

crack = see cocaine

creation science = non-scientific but purporting to be scientific to promote the concept of theism in a modern world dominated by science; re-writing science to accept some parts of science and reject others to make it compliant with Christianity; part of a born-again movement

creditor = a person to whom I owe money

cross-dress = wear clothes of the opposite gender

crystal methamphetamine = ice, shabu, crystal meth, glass

curriculum vitae = a description of the background, skills and experience of an applicant being considered at the moment of recruitment, prepared by the applicant according to established general principles agreed across the profession. The words curriculum vitae is an old fashioned name for a resume, still used in Australia, but more likely in more traditional professional positions such as medicine, law, accountancy and academia; those areas of the economy that still have strong links with Australia's British past

cybercaf = Internet cafe

dB = Decibel

de facto = a marriage established by 'fact', not by ceremony or certificate

debtor = a person that owes me money

deed = an agreement or a declaration that is signed in a particular way and, because of this is, treated in a special way by the courts

deforestation = land clearing; elimination of bush/forest for agriculture

delta-9 = tetrahydrocannadibal

demo = political demonstration or staged political event to put pressure on the government to change policy

deponent = the swearer of an affidavit

depressant drug = downer; see gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), alcohol, benzodiazepine, inhalant, opioid, opium, morphine, codeine, pethidine, oxycodone, buprenorphine and methadone

destitute = without assets

destitute funeral = funeral arranged by the state for a person who died without assets

devise = to separate and dispose of real estate property in a Last Will & Testament

diamond (album, single) = not calculated in Australia; see gold, silver, platinum

diamond (DVD) = not calculated in Australia; see gold, silver, platinum

diamond (music video) = not calculated in Australia; see gold, silver, platinum

diamond wedding anniversary = 75 years

DINK = double income no kids

disability-discrimination = widespread and established societal norms causing actions against disabled

disbursement = money paid out of the available cash for claimable charges and proper expenses incurred

disclaimer = a warning that I will not accept a particular responsibility that may be usually associated with this

discharge = to get rid of an obligation, responsibility, liability, or debt (usually by performing or paying it)

discriminate = act against (or for)

discrimination = widespread and established societal norms causing actions against (or for) members of (or perceived to be members of) specific societal groupings; See age, AIDS, disability, HIV, race, racial, sexual, trans

discrimination = see age-discrimination

discrimination = see AIDS-discrimination

discrimination = see disability-discrimination

discrimination = see HIV-discrimination

discrimination = see race-discrimination

discrimination = see racial-discrimination

discrimination = see sexual-discrimination

discrimination = see trans-discrimination

discussion group = special interest group who pass information on their special interest usually on the Internet using bulletin boards or chat room

DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid; genetic information

DMT = dimethyltrytamine; synthetic hallucinogenic drug similar to LSD

doggy-bag = take home remains of a meal eaten at a restaurant

Dolby = noise reduction system

down low = in the closet; see come out

downer = depressant drug; see gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), alcohol, benzodiazepine, inhalant, opioid, opium, morphine, codeine, pethidine, oxycodone, buprenorphine and methadone

download = transferring a file between two computers using the Internet

drag-king = theatrical promotion of oneself as a man

drag-queen = theatrical promotion of oneself as a woman

dreadlocks = distinctive hairstyle made popular by the Rastafarian movement

drive-by = shooting from a moving vehicle; imported from the US

DSD = Direct Stream Digital

DSP = Digital Signal Processing

DTS = Digital Theatre System

duress = some pressure or coercion brought to bear on one person by another to perform some act or favour

duty of care = legal obligation (usually as a result of accepting a job, a particular undertaking, a responsibility or a title or position in which risks are known and/or implied) to understand the risks to others and to do everything that can be reasonably expected to avoid those risks

DVD = Digital Video Disk; also known as digital versatile disk

DVD = Digital Video Disk (read only)

DVD-R, +R = Digital Video Disk - Record (write once)

DVD-RW, +RW, RAM = Digital Video Disk - Read-Write (rewritable)

dyke = masculine appearing lesbian; usually a put-down; see fag

ecstasy = similar to MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine), amphetamines, and (in high doses) hallucinogens; E, XTC, eccy, the love drug

email = e-mail; electronic messaging service using the Internet

emissions trading = a market for the sale of rights to pollute in the form of greenhouse gas emissions

encumbrance = a weight around my neck; a responsibility that needs to be satisfied in the future; a liability; a charge

endorse = to make clear your support or agreement by signing and writing your name on a document

environmentalist = activist on green issues

equal opportunity = positive action to overcome discrimination

ESP = extra-sensory perception

establishment = well established as the rightful owner of money, property, power, privilege and prestige

estate = assets that belonged to the deceased at the moment of death

euthanasia = an act performed (or not performed) for the purpose of deliberately ending a person's life; specifically a generous act to limit suffering and pain, therefore not an act of murder or manslaughter

euthanasia (active) = deliberately ending a person's life by an act of euthanasia

euthanasia (passive) = deliberately ending a person's life by withholding or withdrawing or ending medical treatment

ex gratia = gratuity

ex gratia payment = a payment made for which there is no reciprocal obligation

ex nuptial = outside of the marriage

ex nuptial child = child born outside of the marriage

ex parte = one party is not present

executor = the person given the role and responsibility of performing the duties given him/her by the testator/testatrix in a Last Will & Testament and making sure that the wishes of the testator/testatrix are respected and satisfied to the greatest extent possible

executrix = an executor who is a woman; old-fashioned: a woman can be called an executor these days

extra-terrestrial = (life) outside of the earth

fag = feminine appearing homosexual (usually a put-down); see dyke

fag-hag = woman preferring the company of fags (usually a put-down)

fast-food = usually take-away; commercial sale of food pre-prepared and ready to eat at the point of sale; junk food

fatwa = edict under Muslim (sharia) law

Feng shui = ancient Chinese practice of placement and arrangement of space to achieve harmony with the environment

fiduciary = others' interests, not my own

firewall = software and systems to secure an internal network from unauthorised external access and Internet hackers

flicks, the = film at cinema

foreclose = to take up a clause in the contract which allows the lender to take possession and force the sale early because of a failure of the owner/borrower to meet his/her obligations under contract

G spot = that section of a woman's body that can be stimulated for greatest pleasure

G string = underwear pants without a rear panel, replaced with a narrow band between the buttocks

gay = homosexual

gay bar = a drinking establishment that caters for gays and lesbians

gay liberation = political movement to eliminate discrimination of gays and lesbians and to improve the social standing and position of the homosexual

gay rights = political movement to improve the treatment and place of homosexuals in society

gay pride = campaign to raise general awareness of homosexuality and improve its acceptance

GB = gigabyte = 1024 MB

gender identity = a campaign to promote acceptance of different forms of gender and acceptance of different ways of identifying oneself in relation to gender

gender-bender = transvestite, transsexual

generation gap = differences experienced between and given expression by grand-parent/parent/child generations because of societal transformations

genetic engineering = alteration of genetic information in DNA to produce desirable new traits in an organism or eliminate undesirable ones

genetic fingerprint = patterning of genetic information in DNA so that it can be compared one organism to another

gentrification = an old cheap working class suburb is taken over by the new rich middle class and turned into an expensive suburb

GHB = gamma hydroxybutyrate; a depressant drug; Fantasy, grievous bodily harm (GBH), liquid ecstasy, liquid E, liquid X, salty water, Georgia Home Boy, soap, scoop, organic Quaalude, cherry meth, blue nitro

gift = personal property (real estate property, money or other item of value) given by one person to another who is not providing, and is not required to provide, anything in return

gift = personal property (other than real estate property or money) left to a beneficiary in a Last Will & Testament

gig = used to be musicians referring amongst themselves to a musical job but now used widely by anyone referring to any musical event or concert

global village = globalisation

global warming = changes in global climate patterns; continuous increase in average daily temperature over time across the world leading to disastrous consequences; it is happening and time frames are becoming shorter and shorter; dynamic generalised disaster in progress

globalisation = increasing tendency for trade to include products from outside the national border; increasing international trade; commercial and industrial decision-making increasingly likely to include impact on more than one nation state; as production increases in size and use of resources it is more likely to impact on the whole of humanity not just the nation of origin

glossary = a list of words that have special meaning because of their context of use and an explanation of the special definitions assigned to them

glue sniffing = use of inhalant drugs

gob-smacked = shocked or appalled

go for it = (new way of saying) have a go!, give it a go!, try it on!, get it off!,

gold (album, single) = sold 35,000 (ARIA); see diamond, silver, platinum

gold (DVD) = not calculated in Australia; see diamond, silver, platinum

gold (music video (includes music DVDs)) = sold 7,700 (ARIA); see diamond, silver, platinum

gold card = credit card for the rich middle class

golden wedding anniversary = 50 years

go with the flow! = accept change; adapt

GPS = Global Positioning System

green = politically active on the environment

greenhouse gas = water vapour (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), halogenated fluorocarbons (HCFCs) , ozone (O3), perfluorinated carbons (PFCs), and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

greenhouse gas emissions = regular emission of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere from motor vehicles and industrial production that absorbs and re-emits infrared radiation from the sun, warming the earth's surface and contributing to climate change

greenie = well known to be dedicated, adamant or fanatical on the environment

gross! = utterly disgusting; overwhelming; unacceptable

groupie = a woman who travels with the musical show on tour to have sex with the rich and famous

group sex = traditional orgy as has happened over the millennia: much sex in a large collective domain and sex with many partners; seen in the sixties as liberation, now just sex; sexually transmitted disease and AIDS have added a sense of realism

group therapy = psychological treatment of patients in groups

hacker = an Internet user whose main object is the gaining of unauthorised access to secure internal networks

hag = ugly old woman (see fag-hag)

hajj = annual pilgrimage to Mecca

hallucinogen = see LSD

hang in there! = accept change (with view to eventual benefit); optimism

hardball, play = tough, no nonsense; tell it like it is

hard core = pornography that has no restrictions based on the sensitivity of the uninitiated or on middle class morality

hard drugs = addictive; see heroin, cocaine, crack, and tobacco (well, it's not usually included but it should be as it is highly addictive, Ed.)

hash = see cannabis

hashish = see cannabis

heavy metal = rock music

heritage = new form of property ownership (based on notions of historical importance and retention for future generations) where the state (Commonwealth and States) is involved in the rules governing maintenance and development of particular properties

heroin = depressant drug; an opioid; smack, skag, dope, H, junk, hammer, slow, gear, harry, horse, black tar, china white, Chinese H, white dynamite, dragon, elephant, homebake, poison

hetero-normative = playing or careful to be seen as straight

hijab = woman's scarf

hip-hop = rap-variant musical style

HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus = an infection leading to AIDS

HIV-discrimination = widespread and established societal norms causing actions against those suffering from HIV/AIDS

HIV-phobia = unwarranted fear or hatred of persons living with HIV/AIDS

HRT = hormone replacement therapy

homophobia = unwarranted fear of homosexuality

how good's that? = I'm impressed! that's excellent!

humungous = gigantic

ice = powerful, synthetic stimulant drug; crystal methamphetamine hydrochloride (an amphetamine); meth, d-meth, crystal, crystal meth, shabu, batu, tina, glass

identity = conscious identification of oneself as a member of a social group(ing) suffering from inequality, injustice, racial vilification, or other forms of human rights violations, including victims of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity

identity politics = organising political (a) group(ing) based on identity and political actions by members of these political groups and their followers, to fight inequality, injustice, racial vilification, or other forms of human rights violations, including genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity

in = in fashion

in common = see tenancy in common

in the closet = hide homosexuality or sexual preferences; see down low; see come out

in-joke = joke only understood within the group

industrial action = strike

inhalant = depressant; including organic solvents such as glue, aerosol, paints, industrial solvents, lacquer thinners, gasoline or petrol, and cleaning fluids) and the aliphatic nitrites such as amyl nitrite; glue, gas, sniff, huff, chroming, poppers

instant replay = televised sporting activity now available for

internationalism = promoting identification between ordinary people in all countries of the world and promoting not placing my nation above any other; promoting co-operation, human freedom, equality and justice for all; see nationalism

Internet cafe = an Australian form of the cybercafe; a cafe or bar giving customers access to the Internet while having a cup of coffee or snack, charging per hour of machine time

intestate = without a current, legally valid Last Will and Testament

Intifada = Palestinian people's power movement

IP = Intellectual Property = legally recognised rights to copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets etc.

iPOD = brand-name (personal portable digital audio player)

jet set = travellers of wealth and position

job description = a description of the position/role and the tasks that make up the role, who the position reports to, other relationships, the measures of performance, the expected performance levels, and the negotiation of changes to the role over time

job profile = (sometimes called the position profile)

joint tenancy = a form of ownership in which the property is owned by both parties in which when one party dies the property passes automatically to the other party

junk food = see fast food

junk mail = unsolicited mail

karate = Japanese martial

karaoke = a new form of musical hall taken up in Australia in restaurants, clubs and hotels where the owner provides the music and the patrons provide the voice

KB = kilobyte = 1024 bytes

khat = stimulant drug

kiss of life = mouth to mouth resuscitation

KKK = Klu Klux Klan; US racist political group promoting white supremacy

knock-off = cease work for the day

knock it off! = cease! desist!

knock it off = steal it

land clearing = deforestation; elimination of bush/forest for agriculture

leather= BDSM

leather= dress as if you are into BDSM

left wing = progressive

leftie = see reds

LGBTQ = lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer

LGBTQI = lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersexed

liability = obligation to pay

liberate = (since ownership is theft) steal for the good of humanity

liberation = movement for freedom and equality of oppressed or underprivileged or discriminated

liberation theology = movement within the church for freedom and equality of oppressed or underprivileged or discriminated backed by political/philosophical text and against rulings and wishes of the pope and the church hierarchy

life-support = technology without which the patient's life would terminate

life style = choices made with a conscious reference to a concept or expectation of a better life to result from the choice made

LSD = hallucinogen; psychedelic drug; magic mushrooms, mescaline, PCP (phencyclidine), cannabis (in high quantities), ecstasy

mad cow disease = Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)

marijuana = see cannabis

maternal brain drain = important skilled labour leaves work for childbirth, at costs of loss of skills and continuity and costs of temporary replacement, recognised more today because of labour shortages; see also brain drain

MB = megabyte = 1024KB

MCP = male chauvinist pig

MDMA = methylenedioxymethamphetamine

mega-pixel = one million pixels

methadone = synthetically manufactured upload used as a substitute for the treatment of people dependent on heroin and other opioids

methamphetamine = See ice (crystal); See speed (powder)

methedrine = see speed

methaqualome = see LSD

mexican wave = large crowd synchronised movement (at the football or cricket when the crowd gets bored)

mid life crisis = coming to terms with lost youth and mortality

militant = to engage in political activities in a highly-organised, quasi-militant manner

minimalism = art movement in the 1960s; also applied to particular form of architectural utilitarianism

mini-series = TV series of 3 or four episodes

mlog = musiclog; newsletter or diary on the Internet that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption based on continual updates of music recordings, often with social or political impact, etc

mlogger = one who maintains a mlog; one who mlogs

morphine = depressant drug

movement = planned informal political campaign seeking a wider constituency

MP-3 = digital audio file

multicultural = formal involvement of government at all levels in projects to acknowledge cultural difference and accommodate to the interests of national minority groups

musiclog = see mlog

nation = self-rule

national socialism = the term used by Hitler as another word for nazism or fascism, to attract workers' support in the 1930s; only used today by the nazi ultra-right

nationalism = promoting national identification and promoting a member of society placing their nation state above all others; promoting Australia as a better place than all other nation states; see internationalism

near-death experience = see out of body

NIMBY = not in my back yard

nine to five = basic or normal work hours

niqab = a form of hijab that covers the face

nuptial = related to the marriage

oath = a declaration that the statement is true, usually defined by a State law such as the Oaths Act, has religious connotations as it represents a swearing on the bible or other religious text, see also affirmation

oath = a promise to tell the truth sworn on the bible or other religious text, see also affirmation

occupation = political tactic; see sit-in

off shore = taking ownership to another country for legal or taxation benefit

one-hit wonder = momentarily popular but won't last

one-night stand = casual sex but no relationship planned

one-off = unusual event; repeat not expected

opioid = depressant; includes opiumopium, morphine, codeine, pethidine, oxycodone, buprenorphine and methadone

order = a direction by the court that a directive or an action will be undertaken/carried out/followed (or else); see decree, care order, consent order, parenting order, specific issue order

organ = separate body part that can viewed as operating separately to other parts

organ donor = see transplant

organ recipient = see transplant

organ transplant = see transplant

out of body experience = experience claimed by a large number who have been at near-death and have recovered

oxycodone = depressant drug

ozone shield = layer of ozone in the atmosphere acting as a shield has largely disappeared in much of Australia due to atmospheric pollutants across the world, leaving Australians more exposed to the effects of the sun and radiation

page three = soft core porn in newspapers and magazines

parenting order = a direction by the Family Court that a parent will act in a particular manner in relation to their child (or else)

passive smoking = an important form of intake of tobacco drug, now known to be dangerous and the reason for public bans being introduced by States in Australia

peter principle = in a large organisation a person is promoted over time to one level higher than his/her actual level of competence

pethidine = depressant drug

phobia = unwarranted fear

phlog = photolog; newsletter or diary on the Internet that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption based on continual updates of photographs, often with social or political impact, etc. See also

pologger = one who maintains a polog; one who pologs

positive discrimination = strategy to overcome discrimination by giving special consideration to members of a set which normally suffers from discrimination

post natal = special experiences such as depression occurring just after birth and related to the condition of the mother's body and the birth experience

post nuptial = after the marriage has ended

post traumatic stress disorder = a continuing shock syndrome affecting soldiers who have been involved in dramatic war experiences

power of attorney = a deed signed by a principal authorising another person to act as his/her agent. Generally speaking, whatever you can do yourself you can do by an agent; does not apply to making a will or swearing affidavit. See general power of attorney; enduring power of attorney

pre nuptial = prior to the marriage

preservationist = vocal opposition to proposed changes to elements of the past that exist in the present

privatisation = sale of government operations to be run for profit by corporations

pro-life = anti-abortion political campaign; see also right to life

protest = political campaign about or for the rejection of and the reform of or the elimination of particular onerous government policy

protester = person taking part in a political campaign that has adopted a protest form

Public Trustee = a trustee set up by State governments to provide people with independent and reliable trustee services:

pump iron = work out in a gym

put-down = a derogatory attempt to belittle in the eyes of others; see dyke, fag

pyramid = franchise to sell units of product not to the final consumer but to another franchiser; outlawed in Australia

qango = quasi autonomous NGO

Qigong = Chi kung

quick fix = the job has been done but corners have been cut and little attention paid to the result

race-discimination = widespread and established societal norms causing actions against those perceived to be members of a specific (so-called "racial") societal grouping

racial-discrimination= See race-discrimination

race = a racist term; See race-discrimination

racist = organised political campaign against victims suffering from racial discrimination, race-discrimination

radical = prepared to offend common belief for a just cause

rally = political demonstration or staged political event to which a broader section of society is invited to put pressure on the government to change policy

rap = musical style usually involving synthesising and poetical oration

Rasta = member/supporter of a Rastafarian group/sect

Rastafarian = religious sect promoting racial purity and membership of social groups and traditions/music/etc. as steps to glory

recreational drug use = a re-classification of soft/hard distinction

recycling = new ways of classifying material in waste disposal units to ensure more use is made of useful material previously considered to be waste

red card = you have been cautioned (see yellow card) and you have refused to desist, you must now pay the penalty

red flag = the symbol of internationalism of the Third International adopted by the Russian Revolution in 1917 and the communist party in the 1920s as their symbol; used by activists, commies, trots to signify commitment to internationalism

red star = the symbol of internationalism of the Russian Revolution; used by activists, commies, trots to signify commitment to internationalism

reds = activists; unionists; commies; Stalinists; trots

reference = a letter or a questionnaire (confidential letter, confidential questionnaire and to whom it may concern) written/completed by someone who has sufficient knowledge of the applicant to vouch for or deny his/her suitability for the position

Reflexology = therapy using interaction with the feet, and/or hands and ears to soothe, calm, balance and boost the entire body

refugee = a group entering Australia displaced in their own country and looking for protection support and residence, highly politicised by current laws and regulations

Reiki = using spiritual practice to treat physical, emotional, mental and spiritual disease

retro = looking back to the past

right to die = political campaign focussing on passive euthanasia (turning off the machines keeping the body alive unnaturally)

right to life = anti-abortion political campaign given a religious undertone; see pro-life

right wing = conservative

RNA = ribonucleic acid; genetic code

rpm = revolutions per minute

RSI = repetitive stress injury

rubber bullet = see plastic bullet

S&M = sadism and masochism

safe sex = campaign for sex using controls focussed on improving safety from HIV/AIDS

serial monogamy = a series of monogamous relationships; moving continuously from one to another

sexual-discrimination = widespread and established societal norms causing actions against sexual grouping

sexual discrimination = discrimination based purely upon one's gender or sexual orientation; sexism

sexual harassment = sexual behaviour towards another which is deliberate, uninvited, unwelcome and usually repeated, such as unsolicited act of physical intimacy; unsolicited demand or request for sexual favour; remark with sexual connotations; or any other unwelcome act of a sexual nature

sexual orientation = gender identity

sexism = sexual discrimination

shit = see cannabis

SIDS = sudden infant death syndrome (cot-death)

silver (album, single) = not calculated in Australia; see diamond, gold, platinum

silver (DVD) = not calculated in Australia; see diamond, gold, platinum

silver (music video) = not calculated in Australia; see diamond, gold, platinum

silver wedding anniversary = 25 years

sit-com = television program; situation comedy (with piped laughter)

sit-in = political demonstration based on occupation by demonstrators of official premises

sketchlog = see slog

skin flick = pornographic film with focus on nakedness

skinny dip = group naked swimming event

slag-off = vilify

slog = sketchlog; newsletter or diary on the Internet that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption based on continual updates of drawings, sketches and other artistic endeavour, often with social or political impact, etc. See also

slogger = one who maintains a slog; one who slogs

smashed = out of control or unconscious because of intoxification (hard drug)

snuff movie = hard core porn in which the actor is (supposed to have been) murdered in the making

soap = (or soap opera) a continuing drama series; called a "soap" because they began as radio dramas in the 1930s sponsored by soap manufacturers and developed over time into daily, never-ending drama on daytime TV

socialist = an activist who promotes a socialist society as a way of human freedom and progress

socialist society = a state that stands for human freedom and equality and is run by ordinary people who control everything, the means of production, distribution, the army, the police force, money, trade, the rule of law, etc.

soft core = acceptable forms of pornography in newspapers and magazines

specific issue order = a direction by the Family Court that a particular person will deal with a particular issue in relation to the matter before the Court in a particular way or else

SPAM = sending email promotions, advertisements, scams to email addresses that have not requested it, to email addresses harvested from bulletin boards, discussion groups, chat rooms, web pages, etc.

speed = amphetamine; the powder form of methamphetamine

squat = illegal occupation of unoccupied building as a strategy against homelessness

squatter = person who squats

STD = sexually transmitted disease

STD = subscriber trunk dialling

stoned = affected by intoxification (soft drug)

straight = not gay/lesbian

streaker = exhibitionist who takes off his/her clothes and crosses the pitch/field with officials/police in chase

struggle = informal political grouping prepared to engage in political activity to achieve particular objectives

surfer = one who occupies his/her time on the Internet browsing, maybe looking for some particularity but often following a virtual paper-trail with accidental or random or oblique relativity

swearing = a statement of truth purported to be made in the presence or omniscience of a god, see also affirmation

swing voter = person who changes vote pattern based on issues not membership or allegiance

swinger = person who practices sexual promiscuity

swinging = sexual promiscuity

t'ai chi = Chinese martial

tae kwon do = Korean martial

take-away = fast-food; commercial sale of food prepared and ready to eat at the point of sale, purchased nearby and taken home and eaten

talkback = radio show encouraging listeners to call in to give their opinion; in Australia talkback is politically conservative and sensationalist; often giving saturation to political issues-of-the-day; can have an important political impact

tax bracket = income tax rates differ depending upon which bracket described in ATO regulations you appear in

tax break = concession offered by the ATO

tax creep = generalised movement into a higher bracket because of inflation causing taxpayers, whilst not earning any higher real wages, having to pay higher rates of tax

tax dodge = (legal or illegal) method for ensuring that particular tax rules do not apply to you

tax exile = person whose relationship with ATO is such that (s)he cannot return to Australia for fear of criminal prosecution

tax haven = another country offering limited or no tax as an inducement for Australian companies to relocate operations

tax shelter = concession offered by the ATO that results in certain people/companies/trusts/associations/parts of earnings being sheltered from tax

tax threshold = concession offered by the ATO that results in earnings under a certain threshold being exempt from tax

tenancy = forms of ownership; see joint tenancy and tenancy in common

tenancy in common = a form of ownership in which the property is owned by both parties such that each party has a separate share; when one party dies the property passes to that party's beneficiaries

tenancy, joint = see joint tenancy

testate = with a current, legally valid Last Will and Testament

testator = a person who has made a testament; the person making gift, devise and bequest in the form of a Last Will and Testament

testatrix = a testator who is a woman; old-fashioned: a woman can be called a testator these days

THC = tetrahydrocannabinol, see cannabis

thongs = rubber footwear

tie = more than one player wins first prize

tie breaker = action carried out to determine the winner after a tie

time share = two or more owners of a property agree to share use of the property by assigning time to each owner

TINA = there is no alternative (Thatcher's excuse for most things; especially for anything unethical - Ed.)

tit mag = soft core porn magazine

tits & bums = R or X rated film focussed on nakedness

TLC = tender loving care

tobacco = powerful stimulant drug; highly addictive like hard drugs

toy-boy = young man in relationship with older woman provides services of sexual favour in return for economic favour

tranny = one who promotes him/herself as trans; not all trans are trannies

tranny-chaser = one who prefers sex with trans

transplant = organ is removed from one person (the donor) and transplanted into another (the recipient)

trans = gender-variant (for whatever reason)

trans = gender-variant community (many reasons, not always apparant or available to the interloper)

trans-activist = see activist

trans-discrimination = widespread and established societal norms causing actions against trans

trans-sexual = identifies him/herself as a gender other than that assigned to him/her at birth

transvestite = cross-dresser

trip = use hallucinogenic drug; see LSD

trip out = smashed by the use of hallucinogenic drug; see LSD

trot = Trotskyist

trust = fiduciary relationship in which a person or persons (the trustee(s)) holds the title of property for the benefit of another (the beneficiary); could include a bare trust, a constructive trust, a discretionary trust, an executed or executory trust, an express trust, a precatory trust, a private trust, a public trust, a resultant trust, a secret trust, a testamentary trust, a voluntary trust, etc.

trustee = a person who holds the title of property for the benefit of another (the beneficiary)

trustworthy = can be relied upon for truth, correctness, accuracy

ultra right = fascist; neo-fascist; nazi; white supremacy; KKK

under age = not welcome in a pub because they are under the age legally permitted to purchase and consume alcohol under the Liquor Act or similar law

underclass = lower social class; lacking in ownership, power, privilege and position; looked down upon and considered less-deserving; somehow of less worth than others

underground movement = members of a political group being pursued by police and the courts and having to work clandestinely

unionist = politically active in supporting and promoting the role and the activities of the trade union

upper = stimulant drug; see cocaine, ice, amphetamine, methamphetamine hydrochloride, khat, tobacco

upwardly mobile = in process of moving from a lower class to a higher class by changing education, earning, living conditions, ownership, power, prestige, etc.

VC = Viet Cong

VCR = video cassette recorder

VDU = visual display unit

VHS = video home system

videolog = see vlog

virus = a bit of code that usually comes into your system attached to an email whose purpose is to cause damage of some kind

vlog = videolog; newsletter or diary on the Internet that is frequently updated and intended for general public consumption based on continual updates of video, often with social or political impact, etc. See also

vlogger = one who maintains a vlog; one who vlogs

WASP = White Anglo Saxon Protestant

web diary = see blog

web log = see blog

weblog = see blog

whacked = debilitated by drugs

white supremacy = politically active supporting dominance of whites over blacks because of their race

whites = see amphetamine

WHO = World Health Organisation

WHO Lexicon of alcohol & drug terms = See

wicked! = excellent!

wired = high on amphetamines

women's lib = see women's liberation

women's liberation = political movement for the elimination of discrimination on the basis of gender and improve the social position of women

women's libber = active member of the women's liberation movement

women's movement = women's liberation movement

workaholic = places work at the top of personal life choices and everything else takes second place

wrecked = debilitated by drugs

Wu tao = using dance for physical and mental well being

yellow card = caution; you are about to be penalised if you don't desist (see red card)

yellow rain = potentially deadly pollutants falling in the form of rain

yonks = a long time

yup, yuppy, yuppie = young upwardly-mobile professional

zonked = debilitated by drugs