Person to person contract
Promissory note - Person to Person
A promise to pay. No mention of the reasons for the promise thereby excluding other contractual considerations. Shows 13 options - best to delete those that don't apply. Any State. (L-57041)
Loan - person to person
This simple loan agreement is for a new loan by a person to another person (personal loan) in any State. Australian legal agreement (simple). (L-98727)
Deed of Release - Tas. - P2P
This simple deed is used for a one party to release a second party from the possibility of further action in relation to a possible claim for compensation in return for a lump sum payment in the State of Tasmania. This is the "person to person" version. (L-87620)
Deed of Release - QLD - P2P
This simple deed is used for a one party to release a second party from the possibility of further action in relation to a possible claim for compensation in return for a lump sum payment in the State of Queensland. This is the "person to person" version. (L-40057)
Deed of Release - ACT,NSW,NT,SA,Vic,WA P2P
This simple deed is used for a one party to release a second party from the possibility of further action in relation to a possible claim for compensation in return for a lump sum payment in the State / Territory of NSW, Victoria, SA, WA, ACT, and NT. This is the "person to person" (P2P) version. (L-48946)
Deed Poll (Generic) Tas.
A good place to start. A simple deed poll that gives generic wording that allows you to declare, renounce, surrender, revoke, undertake, accept, acknowledge, guarantee, ensure, etc. Good for Tasmania; for QLD. see L-3358. For other states see L-3359. Australian deed poll template precedent.
Deed Poll (Generic)
A good place to start. A simple deed poll that gives generic wording that allows you to declare, renounce, surrender, revoke, undertake, accept, acknowledge, guarantee, ensure, etc. Good for NSW, Victoria, SA, WA, NT and ACT. For QLD see L-3358; for Tas. see L-3360. Australian deed poll template precedent.
Confidentiality agreement (Deed) - Person to Person
A confidentiality agreement (or non-disclosure agreement) (deed format) where the disclosure is one way, from a person (the discloser) to another person (such as a possible joint venture player, prior to the formation of the new joint venture company) (the recipient). Australian legal agreement (any State). non disclosure agreement (NDA)