Testamentary Trust

WILL- Married woman - testamentary trust - husband,3children (special)

A typical Australian last will and testament for a woman with a husband and three children. The testatrix leaves everything to her husband and only establishes a testamentary trust for the children if the husband predeceases her or fails to survive her for at least thirty days. If her husband does predecease her, the testatrix sets up three trusts after her death to provide for each of her three children and their direct descendants ("lineage" concerns), thereby excluding the issues of marriage and divorce from the determination of beneficiaries. (P-92205)

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AUD $110.00

WILL- Widow - testamentary trust - 3 children, 3 trusts (lineage)

A typical Australian last will and testament for a widow with three children. The testatrix sets up three trusts after her death to provide for each of her three children and their direct descendants ("lineage" concerns), thereby excluding the issues of marriage and divorce from the determination of beneficiaries. (P-88002)

Document image: 
AUD $110.00

WILL- Single parent woman -testamentary trust- other,1child(other)

A typical Australian last will and testament for a single parent woman with a "principal beneficiary" and one child. The testatrix appoints her "principal beneficiary" as sole executor and trustee and establishes two testamentary trusts, one for her "principal beneficiary" and one for her child and splits the funds by percentage. (P-61868)

Document image: 
AUD $110.00


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