"The documents or things you must produce are as follows ..." Subpoena to the operator of a retail business (a restaurant), seeking documents to identify the business's purchase and sale price, its true turnover, and its true value. The purchase and sale of businesses sometimes leads to litigation. There may be a dispute over what the contract of sale actually promised, in terms of turnover or the value of goodwill. Or sometimes a business operator may claim that their business was harmed by something that diverted the passing trade or harmed the goodwill. Sometimes the value or turnover of the business is in issue. Sometimes expert evidence is required to place a dollar value on a business that has negligible fixed assets, an very little stock in trade. This subpoena seeks documents to identify the true physical turnover of the business, and the cash turnover that flows through it. With a few changes of terminology, it can be adapted to a wide variety of retail businesses.

Subpoena to the operator of a retail business seeking docs to identify the true physical turnover of the business, and the cash turnover that flows through it.