Notice of Annual General Meeting
Example of a simple Notice of Annual General Meeting received from the Australian Republican Movement. It has all the essentials.
Meetings of the Board or Management Committee
Example of a simple Notice of Annual General Meeting received from the Australian Republican Movement. It has all the essentials.
It is the duty of the secretary to keep minutes of the Special General Meeting. This template shows dates, times, quorums, presence, use of proxy, matters agreed to be recorded and the results of motions. It also shows "no other business".
Useful for bodies operating under
This template for the minutes of a committee meeting contains details of notice, date/time of meeting, quorum present, scribe, chairperson, matters agreed to be recorded in the minutes, formal voting on motions, assignment of agreed actions arising from the committee meeting, outstanding issues, next meeting and confirmation of minutes by the chairperson. (N-89945)
An attendance record (MS Word version) kept by the committee minutes keeper during the year to assist in the preparation of the annual financial report at the end of the year.
This nomination form needs to be filled in and endorsed by the candidates and signed by the nominator and seconder and given to the Secretary at least seven days before the AGM.
One member may represent up to five other members at the annual general meeting or at a special general meeting if a separate proxy for each member is given to the secretary 24 hours before the time of the meeting. Useful for bodies operating under
Example of an agenda to be handed to Members and Invited Guests on the day of the Annual General Meeting.
The committee must, on the requisition of at least five per cent (5%) of the total number of members, convene a special general meeting of the association. If the committee fails to convene a special meeting within one month after lodging with the secretary, any one or more of the members who made the requisition may convene a special general meeting to be held no later than three months after that date. Requisition may be on one or several documents of a similar form, and should all be lodged with the Secretary at the one time.
An example of a notice to be sent to the Members 14 days before the AGM or 21 days before the AGM if the business of the AGM includes a special resolution.