# Precedents Online -ALL legal documents

Service Contract (anyjob) - one-off or implied MasterServiceAgreement

This Service Contract is a simple contract for a Service Provider who works on a particular project to be completed by a given time (the 'term') and to be paid a total contract sum split up by (a) an upfront fee; (b) interim payments whilst work is in progress, based upon the achievement of particular milestones; and (c) a final fee upon completion and sign off. This is a friendly contract and does not go into detail about failure to perform, leaving that up to the courts in the unlikely event of failure to perform. It requires confidentiality for 7 years after completion.

Document image: 
AUD $33.00

QLD - Notice to neighbour for urgent repair of fence

A notice under

to a neighbour to contribute to urgent repair a dividing fence defining a common boundary in the State of Queensland; delivery of the notice to the usual or last known place of abode or business and leaving it with a resident or employee over the age of 14; or by post (registered post required) to the neighbour's usual or last known residential or business address.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

NSW - Notice of intention of proceedings re offensive noise

Notice to neighbour of an intention to begin proceedings under Protection of Environment Operations (POEO) Act 1997 for offensive noise coming from the neighbour's property (such as air-conditioners, swimming pool pumps, radios, sound reproduction equipment, musical instruments, power tools, lawnmowers, and burglar alarm, etc.). This is not a notice under the Act, as this needs to be issued by the Council or the Local Court, and talks about an intention to seek such orders, but this is often enough.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Memorandum of understanding - any topic - Company & Person

This Memorandum of Understanding is designed for a company and a person who have had a "meeting of the minds" and have decided to formally record this with a legal agreement. This agreement is usually called a "political" memorandum of understanding, because in such places as the UN such agreements arising from a meeting are very common, but this format could be used for any purpose where a meeting of the minds needs to be formally written down. This template is just the "bare bones"; the basic structure into which you can write any agreed terms.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Deed of Sale - Immediate Transfer - QLD P2P

This deed is used for a simple sale of and transfer of ownership of itemised object(s) in the State of Queensland. In this version, the offer by the vendor and transfer of ownership is immediate upon execution of the instrument, as is the acceptance and acknowledgement and payment by the purchaser. This all happens within the deed, removing the need for a separate release form. This is a "private sale" ("person to person"). The vendor states that GST does not apply but if it does (s)he will take care of all responsibilities and benefits related to the sale with the ATO.

Document image: 
AUD $22.00


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