# Precedents Online -ALL legal documents
Personal guarantee - loan -on demand+grace - *single
A simple guarantee by a single borrower, any State, acknowledging a loan and giving a personal guarantee to pay back on demand following a period of grace. (L-28342)
Promissory note - Company to Partnership
A promise to pay. No mention of the reasons for the promise thereby excluding other contractual considerations. Shows 13 options - best to delete those that don't apply. Any State. (L-50446)
Promissory note - Partnership to Partnership
A promise to pay. No mention of the reasons for the promise thereby excluding other contractual considerations. Shows 13 options - best to delete those that don't apply. Any State. (L-82855)
Promissory note - Company to Person
A promise to pay. No mention of the reasons for the promise thereby excluding other contractual considerations. Shows 13 options - best to delete those that don't apply. Any State. (L-50781)
Contract (Simple)-Person & Person-WITHTEXT
Any State. Simple loan agreement between a person and another person with substantive text including basic elements of any contract, standard contract definitions, interpretations, declarations, disclaimers, and commitments, etc. Australian legal agreement. (L-49746)
Employment Contract - Perm O/TIME Partnership
Employment Contract - Permanent O/TIME employed by a Partnership. (H-36115)
Contract (Simple)-Company & Person-WITHTEXT
Any State. Standard agreement (simple contract) between a company and a person with substantive text including basic elements of any contract, standard contract definitions, interpretations, declarations, disclaimers, and commitments, etc. Australian legal agreement. (L-57717)
Personal guarantee - loan -on demand+grace - joint&sev
Guarantee by two borrowers, any State, personal guarantee to pay back on demand. (L-65787)
Contract (Simple)-Sole Trader & Person-WITHTEXT
Any State. Simple agreement between a sole proprietor and a person with substantive text including basic elements of any contract, standard contract definitions, interpretations, declarations, disclaimers, and commitments, etc. Australian legal agreement. (L-46433)