
Simple Legal Numbering 9 levels by Paragraphs

A simple template for legal paragraph numbering, nine levels. We don't recommend you use all nine levels (most use the first four) but they are there if you need them. Chapter (manual) headings mirror the automatic paragraph numbering ordered by a chapter-para [1-9] regime. Use indenture Simple Legal Paragraph Style {Increase Indent} {Decrease Indent} or simply copy the previous chapter to start a new numbering regime. Simple stuff. It ain't pretty but it works!

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AUD $3.30

Legal Briefing -Solicitor briefs barrister re CoyCRIMINAL

Brief by a solicitor to a barrister concerning a corporate client in a criminal matter. Barristers can be hard to please. They are heard to complain that their briefs comprise 'not enough observations' or 'too many observations'. Or too many lever arch files.However, most lawyers ' barristers and solicitors ' seem to agree that a brief need not be a great work of literature.

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AUD $33.00

Legal Briefing -Solicitor briefs barrister re PersCRIMINAL

Brief by a solicitor to a barrister concerning a client person in a criminal matter. Barristers can be hard to please. They are heard to complain that their briefs comprise 'not enough observations' or 'too many observations'. Or too many lever arch files. However, most lawyers (barristers and solicitors) seem to agree that a brief need not be a great work of literature. But it does need to (a) be delivered in good time, and (b) under cover of instructions that contain the essential information, so that the barrister never subsequently complains "why didn't you tell me about that?".

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AUD $33.00

Legal Briefing -Person briefs solicitor re CRIMINAL

Normally a criminal solicitor's job starts with an initial face to face interview with the new client. However, if the solicitor or the client are in a hurry, or afraid of missing some important details, the client might ensure that the available time is used to maximum benefit, by recording in writing some details the solicitor might need to know sooner rather than later. This document, can be called a briefing or 'confidential written instructions'.

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AUD $33.00

Simple Legal Numbering 9 levels Headings only

A simple template for legal headings numbering, nine levels. We don't recommend you use all nine levels (most fit into first four) but they are there if you need them. Chapter level, sub-chapter level, sub-sub-chapter level, and so on. The automatic Heading numbering ordered by 9 levels of heading. Text is Normal. Use Style: Heading 1-9 or simply copy the chapter template to start a new numbering regime. Simple stuff. It ain't pretty but it works!

Document image: 
AUD $3.30


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