Will (see also Personal - Death)

WILL- Muslim Family woman, no children, orthodox

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a Muslim woman with no children who leaves up to one third of her property to specific beneficiaries and then leaves everything else to her executor to be divided after her death in the traditional Islamic manner. It includes clear instructions on how to bury the body as a Muslim. It is designed to be still valid after the birth of children. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testatrix and two witnesses.

Document image: 
AUD $16.50

WILL- De facto man, wife, no children, include a lover

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a man in a de facto relationship with a wife, no children and a lover, who acknowledges them by splitting his estate between his wife and his lover, half each, else a list of residual beneficiaries. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testator and two witnesses.

Document image: 
AUD $16.50

WILL- Widow, 3 children & 7 grandchildren (percent)

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a widow with three children and seven grandchildren who leaves everything to these children and grandchildren assigned by percentage, else another person. It makes allowances for adjustments to the percentages that might be required at the time of death. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testatrix and two witnesses.

Document image: 
AUD $16.50

WILL- Single woman, under the age of 18, Muslim, orthodox

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a single Muslim woman who is under the age of eighteen but who asks to be treated as an adult in accordance with traditional Islamic customs. She leaves up to one third of her property to specific beneficiaries and then leaves everything else to her executor to be divided after her death in the traditional Islamic manner. It includes clear instructions on how to bury the body as a Muslim. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testatrix and two witnesses.

Document image: 
AUD $16.50

WILL- Widow, 3 childr, incl. grandchild(ren) special

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a widow who leaves everything to her three children in equal share, else another person. She gives specific instruction that, if a child predeceases her, if that child has children, then that part of her estate that would have gone to this child should go to her grandchildren instead, but if not, exclude him/her from the equation. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testatrix and two witnesses.

Document image: 
AUD $16.50


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