Personal Loans

Loan - person to person (appendices)

This loan agreement is for a new loan by a person to another person (personal loan) in any State. Interest payable throughout the term. It contains three sample appendices, a simple amortization schedule, a detail of purpose and an assets schedule for a floating charge. It gives agreement to the lodgement of a caveat. Australian legal agreement with 3 Appendices. (L-82640)

Document image: 
AUD $22.00

Personal guarantee - loan - with or without caveat

Very much like the Loan Agreement - Person to Person - but in the form of a letter of guarantee from the borrower to the lender. Everything is spelled out. A simple personal loan guarantee any State signed by the guarantor with three appendices: (a) repayment of the principal, (b) purpose of the loan and (c) assets over which there is a charge. If purpose is not relevant delete clause 6 and Appendix 2. If there is no charge over assets delete clauses 9 and 10 and Appendix 3. (L-93571)

Document image: 
AUD $22.00

Loan - person to person (appendices) Princ+Int onLastD

This loan agreement is for a new loan by a person to another person (personal loan) in any State. Principal and interest are payable/repayable on last day of the term. It contains three sample appendices, a simple amortization schedule, a detail of purpose and an assets schedule for a floating charge. It gives agreement to the lodgement of a caveat. Australian legal agreement with 3 Appendices. (L-95984)

Document image: 
AUD $22.00


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