Change Control forms

Change Control forms

Responsibility Matrix

A useful method for giving the various players in a complicated process instruction on what needs to be done and by whom. It is very graphic and clear and simple for all to read. Everyone is aware of their role and the roles played by the others. This responsibility matrix contains a worked example of an actual process (change control) but could be used for any work flow that involves more than one operative. This particular process is broken into 50 basic steps. Each step is assigned to one of 6 different players.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Contract Variation Register

A very simple document but very effective for keeping control over the cost of changes to the project, for projects operating under a development contract or a service level agreement. This document links the change management project documents to the external legal agreement. Changes are represented by a legal agreement (called a "Contract Variation") and this register controls the issue of contract variations and keeps track of their cost to the project.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Contract Variation Form

A formal contract variation form for updating contracts following estimating, budget impact and change control approvals. A simple form but important for complete change control for projects running under a development contract or a service level agreement.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00
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