INT-DEV Templates


Doctoral Thesis - IDRC style (3)

This template shows the key concepts used in the generation of a doctoral thesis of 80,000 words or more. This example uses the IDRC style and therefore has headings, a table of contents, and few footnotes. The chapter headings contain a title and 9 chapters are offered on the basis that this is the minimum number of chapters necessary if dictated by the title of the chapter based on the formal model type hypothesis/thesis/antithesis/synthesis.

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Doctoral Thesis - IDRC style (2)

This template shows the key concepts used in the generation of a doctoral thesis of 80,000 words or more. This example uses the IDRC style and therefore has headings, a table of contents, and few footnotes. The chapter headings contain a title and 9 chapters are offered on the basis that this is the minimum number of chapters necessary if dictated by the title of the chapter based on the formal model type hypothesis/exploration/critical review.

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Undergraduate Essay - IDRC style (1) Basic

A simplified essay format for an undergraduate essay on political or social subjects, based on the IDRC (International Development Reseach Center) style. The IDRC style is a politically conscious style. The style allows headings and limited footnotes. The template contains a cover page, an abstract page, examples of references within the text, and examples of bibliographical references.

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AUD $0.00
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