

Legal Briefing -Person briefs solicitor re COMMERCIAL matter for the purpose of obtaining legal advice and representation, it should remain confidential at all times. Do not produce multiple photocopies if this document.


AUD $33.00

Legal Briefing -Person briefs solicitor re CRIMINAL matter for the purpose of obtaining legal advice and representation, and it should remain confidential. Do not produce multiple photocopies if the completed document.


AUD $33.00

Legal Briefing -Person briefs solicitor re FAMILY


AUD $0.00

Legal Briefing -Solicitor briefs barrister re CoyCOMMERCIAL


AUD $0.00

Brief by a solicitor to a barrister concerning a corporate client in a criminal matter. This document can be adapted to become a pro forma covering brief in criminal matters.


AUD $33.00

Legal Briefing -Solicitor briefs barrister re CoyINDUST /HR


AUD $0.00

Legal Briefing -Solicitor briefs barrister re PersCOMMERCIAL


AUD $0.00

Brief by a solicitor to a barrister concerning a client person in a criminal matter. This document can be adapted to become a pro forma covering brief in criminal matters.


AUD $33.00

Legal Briefing -Solicitor briefs barrister re PersFAMILY


AUD $0.00

Legal Briefing -Solicitor briefs barrister re PersINDUST/HR


AUD $0.00

A formal letter explaining the legal process to follow a failure to comply with the strict timetable.


AUD $5.50

Many management consultants are appointed by way of a letter of appointment that is written by their client, often a letter that they offer to the client for consideration and approval.


AUD $22.00

Letter of appointment, not formally a contract but implies the existence of a contract and explains all the elements of the new relationship in easy to understand terms.


AUD $22.00

Letter to a Barrister with care regarding matters of address and protocol.


AUD $0.00

Letter to a Barrister with care regarding matters of address and protocol. If unsure, use this one.


AUD $0.00

Letter to a Barrister with care regarding matters of address and protocol.


AUD $0.00

Letter to Chief Judge of the Court with care regarding matters of address and protocol.


AUD $0.00

Letter to the Chief Judge of the District Court with care regarding matters of address and protocol.


AUD $0.00

Letter to the Chief Judge of the District Court with care regarding matters of address and protocol.


AUD $0.00

Letter to a Judge of the Court with care regarding matters of address and protocol.


AUD $0.00

Letter to a Judge of the County Court.


AUD $0.00

Letter to a Judge of the District Court.


AUD $0.00

Letter to Justice of the High Court of Australia Kenneth Hayne.


AUD $0.00

Letter to a firm of solicitors with care regarding matters of address and protocol.


AUD $0.00

Letter to a particular solicitor working for a firm of solicitors.


AUD $0.00

Letter to a partnership of solicitors.


AUD $0.00

Letter to a particular solicitor working for a partnership of solicitors.


AUD $0.00

Letter to a Stipendiary Magistrate.


AUD $0.00

Letter to a Stipendiary Magistrate.


AUD $0.00

Licence to occupy for an artist's studio space in a building which is assumed to have common areas.


AUD $55.00

This licence to occupy is for a pre-assigned lot under contract assigned to a licensee (contractor) who needs to set up temporary office, storage, workshops etc while performing the major building/mining/electrical/water contract. The licence to occupy is regarded as secondary to the major contract and the licence fee is only nominal. The key is the rules that the licence to occupy places on the contractor. (L-4041)


AUD $0.00

This licence to occupy is for a garage at the back of the residential premises which has separate access via the back lane. The licensor (resident) doesn't have a vehicle and the licensee just wants a place to park during working hours. The garage is secure and has power but little else. It grants licence to occupy for a given period in return for licence fee and certain responsibilities but does not grant leasehold rights or quiet enjoyment. (L-4037)


AUD $0.00

This licence to occupy is for a planned event (such as a horse riding and equestrian event) where the licensee (event entrepreneur) will be putting in a DA to Council and the licensor (the landowner) has signed the license subject to the outcome of the DA, to prove/guarantee his/her support for the DA. The DA might not be approved by Council because the neighbours might complain or local environment issues might make it impossible for Council to support the event. If the DA is successful it grants licence to occupy for a the period of the event in return for licence fee and certain important responsibilities including indemnification by the licensee of the landowner for risky outcomes associated with the event and responsibility for environmental protection and make good but does not grant leasehold rights or quiet enjoyment. (L-4039)


AUD $0.00

This licence to occupy is for a compound containing a storage facility and three work sheds located on a rural property; everything is in situ and no DA is required for this temporary occupation. It has power and communications but little else. It grants licence to occupy for a given period in return for licence fee and certain responsibilities but does not grant leasehold rights or quiet enjoyment. (L-4036)


AUD $0.00

This licence to occupy is for a rural lot where the licensor (landowner) has set aside and assigned space for the parking of two B-Double rigs. It grants licence to occupy for a given period in return for licence fee and certain responsibilities but does not grant leasehold rights or quiet enjoyment. (L-4040)


AUD $0.00

This licence to occupy is for a licensor (trucking company operator) who has a fully authorised truck compound and has space for a B-Double that he doesn't need at present. The licensee (the truckie) lives nearby and can't park his rig in the residential suburb as it breaks zoning regulations and he has his neighbours complaining about him to Council. It grants licence to occupy for a given period in return for licence fee and certain responsibilities but does not grant leasehold rights or quiet enjoyment. (L-4041)


AUD $0.00

Licence to occupy office space, cooperate on space & common facilities. (L-53065)


AUD $5.50

Licence to occupy, includes weekly fee until settlement (in about six weeks?) (L-57109)


AUD $5.50

Licence agreement between a college and a partnership who will provide intellectual property.


AUD $66.00

Licence for service station and petrol supply to the licensee. (L-46665)


AUD $5.50

List of parties (NSW)


AUD $0.00

List of parties involved in an Appeal/Leave to Appeal in the Court of Appeal NSW.


AUD $0.00

Loan agreement person to a partnership (business loan but joint and several).


AUD $44.00
