An important ethical consideration at present in Australia. The facts can be downloaded from the Parliamentary Library at seekers and refugees: what are the facts? 11.02.2013 or you can download a copy here by clicking on [Download Template] below:
Is arriving in Australia without a valid visa illegal?
" Asylum seekers irrespective of their mode of arrival, like others that arrive in Australia without a valid visa, are classified by Australian law to be 'unlawful non-citizens'. However, the term 'unlawful' does not mean that asylum seekers have committed a criminal offence. There is no offence under Australian law that criminalises the act of arriving in Australia or the seeking of asylum without a valid visa. [p.4]
" ...on 25 November 2011, the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship announced the end of parallel refugee status assessment process for boat arrivals and a return to a single protection visa processing system. Subsequently, in March 2012, a single statutory Protection visa process for both boat and air arrivals came into effect. The onshore arrangements for application and independent review through the Refugee Review Tribunal (RRT) system now apply to all people seeking asylum in Australia, regardless of their mode of arrival.
"The majority of people arriving unauthorised by boat claim asylum ... people arriving by such means who then claim asylum are entitled to do so.
"The term 'illegal' may more appropriately apply to ... visa overstayers." [p.5]

An important ethical consideration at present in Australia. Is arriving in Australia without a valid visa illegal?