This code of ethics was developed at the request of a member who is a middle-level manager who experiences racial vilification at a low level in her everyday operations at work. She wondered if her only recourse was the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, or if she could raise the issue at work at another level? This code of ethics begins with a history of the concept of 'race' and differs from the Racial Discrimination Act which fails to give a definition of 'race', 'racial' or 'racism'. It supports the requirements that the Act places on companies, management and staff but rejects the whole notion of 'race', since it has no scientific or biological basis, and warns of the dangers of a failure to reject 'race' as a fundamental concept and describes its past and current links to acts of genocide. It translates the ethical statement into practical objectives. International corporate policy with an Australian bias.

Code of ethics re racial vilification at work. Recourse under the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, and at other levels.