Normally a criminal solicitor's job starts with an initial face to face interview with the new client. However, if the solicitor or the client corporation are in a hurry, or afraid of missing some important details, the client might ensure that the available time is used to maximum benefit, by recording in writing some details the solicitor might need to know sooner rather than later. It also helps to combine the thoughts of several people in one document. A corporation acts and thinks one or more individual persons (directors, company secretary, executive officers) each of whom may know different parts of the big picture. This document can be assembled with input from several company officers, to set out the bigger picture, prior to an interview between the lawyer and the company officer appointed to give the briefing. Provided the document is created for the purpose of obtaining legal advice and representation, it should remain confidential at all times. Do not produce multiple photocopies if this document.

Legal Briefing - a Coy briefs a solicitor re a CRIMINAL case on a document assembled with input from several company officers.