Occupational Health and Safety is a complex issue. It is not just the application of one bit of legislation, but the interaction between a myriad of Acts, mainly at the State level, plus related occupational, organisational, environmental and other issues. All of these issues need to be taken into account when designing the OH&S/EH&S policy manual and writing the related policy, procedures and work instructions. This Model at the highest level is offered to help you to begin developing the OH&S/EH&S policy manual and thinking about OH&S/EH&S duties and responsibilities. It highlights all the key issues and shows a simple diagrammatic relationship between them. This model is suggesting that the minimum things you need to think about when doing this manual will require at least 50 headings and probably many more, even if it is just to say this issue does not apply in this case and give the reason why. It discusses policy, procedures, work instructions but doesn't discuss what these are. And, apart from the policy manual, it doesn't discuss documentation of the process. This requires a model at a lower level than offered here which makes reference to requirements under international standards and State law.

Model at the highest level for developing OH&S/EH&S policy manual.