This termination agreement (referred to in the past as a separation agreement), in plain text, is a simple binding financial agreement between two men who have been living together in the State of Queensland in a de facto relationship based on intimacy, trust and personal commitment to each other as defined in the Property Law Act 1974 (as amended by the Property Law Amendment Act 1999) and who have ceased cohabitation and want to finally divide property without Supreme Court (or Family Court) orders. It includes Schedules (1, 2, 3 and 4) for listing and dividing property between the parties. Note that it needs a solicitor's certificate (Annexures A and B) in order to be finally binding.
Since March 2009 the Family Court has been acquiring jurisdiction over the property of de facto relationships. That is why the Agreement also describes itself as a "Part VIIIAB Financial Agreement under the Family Law Act". (co-habitation) Australian legal agreement.

Binding financial agreement between two men who have been living together in the State of Queensland.