"The documents or things you must produce are as follows ..." Details for a Subpoena to a solicitor seeking a file, relating to a client. Solicitors are one professional group who you can safely assume do hold one comprehensive file in relation to a particular client. However if the client has had different types of legal matters, the solicitor might have a different file for each matter. This subpoena asks a solicitor to produce a client's file. In case one integrated file doesn't exist, the subpoena also asks for some specific documents which might be expected to be in the file, or associated with it. The solicitor will usually claim privilege over some or all of the file. The right to have confidential communications with a client is an essential privilege of the profession of practising law. However the file should also contain non-privileged materials, which should be produced, and made available for inspection.

Subpoena to a solicitor seeking a file, relating to a client, such as non-privileged materials, which should be produced, and made available for inspection.