ADI = AutoCAD Device Interface
AEC = architecture engineering (and) construction
AEC CAD = architecture engineering and construction CAD
ANSI Y32.11: = Graphical Symbols For Process Flow Diagrams (withdrawn 2003)
APT = automated programming tool
AS = Australian Standards
AS/NZS = Australian Standards and New Zealand Standards combined publication
AS 3806:1998 = Compliance programs
AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 = Risk management
AS/NZS 4801:2001 = Occupational health and safety management systems - Specification with guidance for use
AS 5037:2005 = Knowledge management - a guide
AS/NZS 9001:2000 = Quality management systems - Requirements
ASAP = "as soon as possible" (vernacular)
AutoCAD =
B-spline = B?zier's spline; a mathematical formula for calculating the free form between points on a surface
best practice = formulas and procedures that have proven successful in practice, identified by general international acceptance. In the IT world, best practice often refers to software development methodologies widely accepted internationally
best practice policy = policy written for and adopted by the company (usually based on and involving the adoption of international best practice)
BIMS = business inventory management system
bit = the smallest unit in a binary system; on-off; 0-1 ; not in and of itself meaningful but when combined in a meaningful array (a byte) forms the basis of all information in a binary system
BLU = basic unit length
BOM = Bill of Material
BSI = British Standards Institute; UK Standards body; now BSI National Standards
byte = a meaningful array of 8 bits or 32 bits of information
CAD = computer aided design
CAD/CAM = computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing (technology)
CAE = computer aided engineering
CAM = computer aided manufacturing
CAPP = computer-aided process planning
CAx = computer-aided
CIM = computer-integrated manufacturing
CPD = collaborative product development
CPDM = collaborative product definition management
CRM = customer relationship management
CRP = capacity requirements planning
CBT = computer-based training
CLU = control loops unit
CMM = co-ordinate measuring machine; a probe measures 3-dimensial co-ordinates of a pro forma work piece from which the spline can be calculated
CMMS = computerised maintenance management systems
CNC = computerised numerical control
CNC = computer numerically controlled
CNC cutting = methodology of cutting utilised by CNC systems, includes laser, plasma, high definition plasma, flame, waterjet, guillotine, bending, rolling. etc.
CNC retrofit = existing manually controlled machinery transformed into CNC machinery
CNC system = usually consists of part program(s), machine control unit (MCU) and machine tool(s) (die, lathe, drill, press, mill, etc.)
code = program set of instructions (for CNC); see G-code
compliant environment = an environment tested against a particular standard
compliant platform = the main system, language or model tested against a particular standard
computer numerical control = program of automation; machining operations directed by mathematical data and programs in a computer
CPG = consumer packaged goods
CPU = central processing unit
data = the generic name for information that exists in a base form (usually but not necessarily a meaningful array of 8 bits or 32 bits) that can be stored and accessed by applications and used in the delivery of that information or as the source for the processing of and combination with and delivery of other related information
data dictionary = a series of data tables and a dictionary of all data elements, their source and transformations through the system
data flow analysis = data input, data output, data tables, data dictionary
data input = data flows into the system, their source, format and frequency
data modelling = see ERM
data output = data flows out of the system, their source, format and frequency
data warehouse = DBMS, DMS, data storage systems, meta-data
DBMS = database management system
de Boor's algorithm = a mathematical formula for evaluating spline curves in B-spline form
desktop (graphical representation) = the graphical representation of an office environment (with card index, waste bin, filing cabinet, and so on) that is a feature of GUIs
desktop (strategic) = the user's environment on the network, desktop (what can be installed on the user's PC) versus calls on the server, installing more applications on the desktop requiring less interaction with the server
DGN = design (CAD file format extension)
disaster recovery planning (DRP) = the process of planning for the recovery from an identified risk of a magnitude categorised as a disaster to pre-disaster condition
DMAIC = define, measure, analyse, improve, control : process improvement methodology
DNC = digital network control
downtime = operations must cease; machines cease to function; caused by re-tooling, mechanical problems, lack of materials, etc.
DPU = data processing unit
drill = machining tool
DMU = Digital Mock-Up
DNC = Distributed Numerical Control
DRO = digital read out
DRP (pronounced letter by letter) = disaster recovery planning
DXF = design (AutoCAD file format extension)
ECAD = electronic CAD
ECC = ERP central component
EDA = electronic design automation
EIA Standard Code = a standard code for positioning, linear motion, and contouring control systems proposed by US Standard RS-244
end mill = machining tool
end user testing = See UAT
environment = the systemic connections to an element of the system (usually the application), including communications and related applications
ethics dictionary = some important words for corporate ethics
EPC = electronic product code (See RFID)
ERP = enterprise resource planning
ERP software = an integrated information system over the whole enterprise in the manufacturing industry; packaged software including manufacturing, order entry, accounts receivable and payable, general ledger, purchasing, warehousing, transportation and human resources. The major ERP vendors are SAP, PeopleSoft, Oracle, Baan and J.D. Edwards
face mill = machining tool
FAQ = frequently asked question
finishing = final operations performed on product
fixed automation = repetitive operations; an agreed process that can be performed over and over to achieve high volume
FMCG = fast-moving consumer goods
frequently asked question (FAQ) = a means whereby a question to be asked by the user in a help system can be predicted and answered, allowing users immediate answer to their questions by clicking on the FAQ
functional requirements = an initial definition of a proposed system, which translates user requirements into a set of requirements internal to the system being created from which programming can take place
functional requirements specifications = a formal statement containing the functional requirements translated into a set of integrated specifications
how to = user guides
G-code = programming language for programs to control NC and CNC machine tools
gap analysis = formal analysis of the difference between a system specification and a particular set of functional analysis and user requirements
GDSN = Global Data Synchronisation Network (See GS1)
glossary = a list of words that have special meaning because of their context of use and an explanation of the special definitions assigned to them
grinder = machining tool
GS1 = global language of business
hardware = physical components (of a CNC machine or a computer)
help-desk = a call centre or telephone service that appears to the outside user to be a single point of contact for a user experiencing problems or seeking further information
help-desk script = a technical procedure or FAQ re-written into conversational language that assists a help-desk or call centre operator give advice or answer questions
HRM = human resource management
index = any statistical representation or indicator
index = a numerical scale used to compare variables with one another or with some reference number often used in financial industry for a quick and easily understood indicator of the price or the value of the securities in a given market
installation guide = a user guide for installation by the user of a small or commercially available application
interface = control panel and displays with which the operator interacts with the CNC machine or computer
internal stakeholder = See stakeholder
internet = a large network made up of a number of smaller networks
Internet = one internet (now known as "the Internet") that has gained wide international acceptance and has adopted the generic name as its identifier
intranet = (vernacular) "within the network"
IP = Intellectual Property = legally recognised rights to copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets etc.
ISDN = integrated services digital network
ISO = International Organization for Standardization, Geneva; an organization that sets international standards
ISO 9000 = a series of standards for quality management
ISO 9000:2005 = Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary
ISO 9001:2000 = Quality management systems - Requirements
ISO 9004:2000 = Quality management systems - Guidelines for performance improvements
ISO/IEC 9126-1:2001 = Software engineering - Product quality - Part 1: Quality model (available in English only)
ISO 10002:2004 = Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations
ISO 10005:2005 =Quality management systems - Guidelines for quality plans
ISO 10006:2003 = Quality management systems - Guidelines for quality management in projects
ISO 10007:2003 = Quality management systems - Guidelines for configuration management
ISO/TR 10013:2001 = Guidelines for quality management system documentation
ISO/TR 10014:1998 = Guidelines for managing the economics of quality
ISO 10015:1999 = Quality management - Guidelines for training
ISO 10019:2005 = Guidelines for the selection of quality management system consultants and use of their services
ISO 10628: = Flow Diagrams For Process Plants - General Rules
JIT = just in time
JIT Kanban = a card, labelled container, computer order, or other device used to signal that more products or parts are needed in production; used to control work-in-progress (WIP), production, and inventory levels
just in time (JIT) = produce product or part just in time for the sale or the next operation; a pull philosophy where production levels are driven by actual demand; seeks to reduce inventory and waste, but leaves no room for immediate response or schedule error
job = work that can be performed in a single fixed automation session without changeover or downtime (can be written on one job card)
job changeover = time taken to switch to a new job
KEDB = knowledge (engineering) database
key performance indicator (KPI) = a quantitative result, the technical/mathematical/scientific formula for which has been agreed to beforehand, that will reflect the level of success or failure of a particular product, event, company, department, project, etc.
key success indicator (KSI) = See KPI
Kaizen Blitz = a team event aimed at rapid improvements to Lean
Kanban = upstream to downstream automatic ordering of levels of production; triggered by the customer order or similar event
KPI = key performance indicator
KSI = key success indicator
LAN = local area network
lathe = machining tool
Lean = business improvement tool for manufacturers
Lean/Six Sigma = both systems combined and integrated
machine control unit (MCU) = computer that controls and operates the CNC machine
machine control unit (MCU) = consists of the main program, the data processing unit (DPU) and the control loops unit (CLU)
machine tool = lathe, mill, drill, laser, plasma, etc.
magazine = arrange a number of tools so that the CNC machine can rapidly change from one machining operation to another
mainframe = an extremely large and costly computer requiring entire rooms of floor space supporting many users and running many programs simultaneously (e.g. IBM S370/3031). For a decade or more we have been told that the technology is obsolete, but mainframes are still a basic element of large platforms
Mbps = Megabit per second
MCAD = mechanical CAD
MCU = machine control unit
MDA = mechanical design automation
MES = Manufacturing Execution System
meta-data = data that describes other data. Card catalogues and handwritten indexes are a form of meta-data. Includes data dictionaries within a plan or a file in a system that provides information about each data element. Could include a repository set up purely for the purpose of understanding the nature of data. It may also refer to any descriptive item about data, such as a HTML meta-tag or a title field in a media file
metadata = see meta-data
mid-range = a computer used for medium-sized networks; the processing power between a mainframe and a microcomputer. Also called a mini-computer
mill = machining tool
mini-computer = see mid-range
MPM = manufacturing process management
MPS = Master Production Schedule
MRP II = manufacturing resource planning
MRP = material requirement planning
NC = numerical control
NC = numerically controlled
NDT = non-destructive testing
network = a group of computers, usually with a server, connected by a telecommunications link, that share information and resources, see LAN, WAN
non-functional requirements = user requirements of a new system that are not represented by functional requirements but may have functional implication, e.g. learnability & understandability, operability, efficiency (performance levels), time factors, security, robustness & recoverability, extensibility, maintainability, portability
NURBS = Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline
O & M = operations and maintenance
O & M = operations and management
O & M = operator and maintainer
O & M = organization and methods
operations management procedures = fault management, performance management, configuration management, inventory management, audit, risk management, and disaster recovery
operations manual = fault management, performance management, configuration management, inventory management, audit, risk management, and disaster recovery instructions related to the control and maintenance of a particular system built by the systems designers/engineers and testers for the systems administrator
optimisation = see application optimisation
P & ID = process and instumentation design/diagram
part program = numerical instructions to a CNC machine to perform the necessary sequence of operations; such as 3-D position, motion, parameters and on/off
PDE = plant design engineering
PDM = product data management
PFD = process flow design/diagram
PDS = plant design specification
personal = some terms & acronyms that impact on ordinary people in their private lives
philosophical concepts = special terms and phrases
pilot set-up and management guides =
platform = the main system, language or model upon which others rely
PLM = Product Lifecyle Management
point-to-point = an array of instructions in the traverse from the start point to the finish point, then the instructions are repeated
policy and procedures = the general body of directives emanating from and approved by management that explains how things operate and who is responsible
policy statement = a statement made by the Board of Directors regarding those things that they consider to be true, correct and/or important
policy manual = a document that discusses in detail all issues related to the implementation of a particular policy statement
procedural documentation = the act of creating and integrating procedures
procedure = a document that describes a series of activities, tasks, decisions, calculations etc., that when undertaken in the sequence laid down produces the described result, product or outcome
process = a series of inputs, resources, scientific/mathematical/technical or human relationships, activities, tasks, decisions, calculations, changes, locations and temporal occurrences that will result in a given event, transformation, result, product or outcome
process reference manual = a document describing all aspects of a particular process and making reference to every procedure and work instruction related to the process
process-related documentation = high level narrative description, process flow chart, high level procedures, control links to detailed procedure and work instructions
process review = recommendation/strategy for process improvement, simplification and variation reduction, improvement in auditability
product information = detailed information describing a particular product
production control manual = manual containing all procedures used in the production process
prototype = test model (of a product)
PSA = preferred supplier agreement
PSA Panel = appointed panel for choosing preferred suppliers
pull = production driven by actual demand
punch press = machining tool
push = production driven by historical trends and forecasts
QA = quality assurance
QA Testing = See UAT
QC = quality control
quality = compliant with ISO 9000, ISO 9001, ISO 14000, etc.
quality assurance (QA = a process (assigned to a department, procedure or programme) for testing that hardware and/or software performs as originally specified
quality assurance analyst = a person who is responsible understanding QA standards (such as the ISO 9000 family) and applying them within an organization
quality control = a process (assigned to a department, procedure or programme) for testing and manipulating so that the quality of output (products and/or services) is maintained above a minimal level
R & D = research & development
report writer = application that specialises in preparing reports and reporting best practice often industry based
requirements = see business requirements, user requirements, systems functional requirements, non-functional requirements
Requirements Modeller = a member of the team (a specialist technical writer) who can understand business requirements and user requirements and translate them into system specifications, systems functional requirements and non-functional requirements
RFID = radio frequency identification (See EPC)
risk management = specialist terms & acronyms
RM (pronounced letter by letter) = risk management
roll-out = implementation programme (vernacular)
ROM = read-only-memory
SAA AS 1109: = Graphical Symbols For Process Flow Diagrams For The Food Industry
SAI (also known as Australian Standards) = distributors of national and international standards in Australia
SAN = storage area network
scenario-build = models describing probable or likely scenarios for end-user testing
SCM = supply chain management
SDLC = system development life cycle
server = key controlling computer in a network
server = key controlling application whose main job is to respond to the needs of other applications (clients)
shared service solutions (SSS) = high-quality, cost-effective corporate services shared across a corporation or government WAN
Six Sigma = business improvement tool for manufacturers
solutions = development directly related to solving particular requirements/problems
solutions architecture = development of architecture directly related to solving particular requirements/problems
SOP (pronounced letter by letter) = standard operating procedure
SOX (pronounced letter by letter) = Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, corporate auditing requirements
stamp = process performed on metal using dies and punches
standard operating procedure (SOP) = a procedure or set of procedures to perform a given operation, maybe in reaction to a given event.
supply cataloguer = specialist technical writer employed to produce and maintain accurate product item master file involving: research product item identification data from user and manufacturer/supplier and purchasing/procurement data; codify new stock applications; avoid duplication; assign names using the taxonomy of NATO, EOTD, AUSLANG or UNSPSC etc.; enter into the ERP/EAM system and/or purchasing and inventory management systems; liaise with technical staff, vendors and suppliers to ensure satisfaction of user requirements; maintain resource data, CD's, technical handbooks, new publications and catalogues etc; maintain and update data standards in line with technical developments
supply chain management (SCM) = planning, schedule and control the supply chain from manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer with a view to reducing inventory; high rewards but high risks
three-axis = information that describes the motion and position of an object using three-dimensional (x, y and z) data
three dimensional data = data derived from (x, y and z) mathematical model
timely = temporal requirements of research, preparation, publication etc. based on needs of stakeholders
TQM (pronounced letter by letter) = total quality management
transition = formal temporally-based plan for replacing one platform with another; usually requires full SDLC
turret press = a CNC punch press that contains several tools
UAM = user authentication methodology (the basis of user access to a secure environment)
UAM = user acceptance methodology (the basis of UAT)
UAT = user acceptance testing
UNSPSC (pronounced letter by letter) = United Nations Standard Products & Services Code
user acceptance = a formal process for involving the user in the sign off of a new system. For an in-house developed system it involves early statement of user requirements, a sign off of the functional plan by the user, and the sign off by the user following user acceptance testing against the original requirements. For a purchased system it involves a user requirements statement and a gap analysis.
user acceptance testing (UAT) = the final testing stages by users of a new or changed system. The system is tested for stability and whether it is processing data according to requirements. If successful, it signals the approval by the user to implement the system live.
user access = the key to access for the user of a secure environment; usually involves some formal UAM
use case = a formal methodology for defining system requirements; a scenario; software developers and end users cooperate to define how the system will need to interact with the world, such as with an end user or another system, to achieve a specific business goal
user guide = a document written by a technical writer to give assistance to people using the system.
user manual = user guide
user requirements = practical outcomes that will impact the user that are the reason for the development of a new system or for enhancements and modifications to an existing system
user requirements documentation = a business or strategic plan containing all user requirements and the reason for their inclusion
user requirements specification = a formal list of all user requirements contained within the user requirements documentation written in a form that allows validation that changes meet user requirements
VSM = value stream mapping
waste = waste identied under Lean: motion; over-processing; over-production; waiting (WIP, inventory, resources); rejects; rework; transportation
welder = a tool used to join two pieces of metal together
WIP = work in progress
work instruction = a document that assigns particular tasks (mentioned or implied in a procedure) to a particular individual or group
work in progress (WIP) = an account containing costing to date of all production started but not finished at the time of accounting; raw materials, labour, and overhead expended to date on unfinished product; costed at agreed costing method such as standard costing