Management - operational

Management - operational

Deed (Contract Under Seal) - incapacity/attorney NO TEXT

This is a formal deed (contract under seal). This is a generic format between two parties - "Party A" who can be an association, a co-operative or a company limited by guarantee or an assigned authority for a company under an Instrument of Delegation and "Party B" who is a person who is incapacitated and who can read but because of the incapacity cannot write. In this example an attorney signs on behalf of Party B. Australian legal agreement (any State).

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Deed (Contract Under Seal) - impaired eyesight/blind1NO TEXT

This is a formal deed (contract under seal). This is a generic format between two parties - "Party A" who can be an association, a co-operative or a company limited by guarantee or an assigned authority for a company under Instrument of Delegation and "Party B" who is a person who has impaired eyesight or is blind and therefore unable read the Deed. After the Deed is read to him/her, Party B signs the deed normally but extra care is taken in witnessing. Australian legal agreement (any State).

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Deed (Contract Under Seal) - impaired eyesight/blind2NO TEXT

This is a formal deed (contract under seal). This is a generic format between two parties - "Party A" who can be an association, a co-operative or a company limited by guarantee or an assigned authority for a company under Instrument of Delegation and "Party B" who is a person who has impaired eyesight or is blind and therefore unable to read the Deed. However a readable version is prepared for Party B and is signed off, initialled by Party B, and attached to the Deed, after which Party B signs the deed normally but extra care is taken in witnessing.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

OH&S/EH&S First Aid Cheat Sheet - Adult Day Care Service

Elderly individuals are sometimes hurt or injured and require specific medical attention. This is a first aid cheat sheet for a caregiver in an adult day care service. The cheat sheet outlines medical procedures to ensure care is taken and to ensure that the victim is properly dealt with. Cheat sheet includes but not limited to concussions, electrocution, bleeding, falls, collapse, nosebleeds, poison, shock, injuries, wounds, fractures, unconciousness and broken bones. (Occupational Health and Safety)

Document image: 
AUD $3.30


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