Management - operational

Management - operational

Agreement to supply Single Order over term Coy2Un-inco

Formal contract between a Company (the Seller) and an un-incorporated association (the Buyer), agreeing the conditions of a single order to supply a given number of units of product(s) at fixed price within a fixed period and setting the delivery process and invoicing and settlement for the order. The main purpose of this agreement is to guarantee supply of a given quantity at an agreed price over a given period. The sale is simple, the requirements are well known, the supply can be guaranteed, there are no other products or price lists to complicate the relationship.

Document image: 
AUD $33.00

Agreement to supply Single Order over term Coy2Associa

Formal contract between a Company (the Seller) and an incorporated association (the Buyer), agreeing the conditions of a single order to supply a given number of units of product(s) at fixed price within a fixed period and setting the delivery process and invoicing and settlement for the order. The main purpose of this agreement is to guarantee supply of a given quantity at an agreed price over a given period. The sale is simple, the requirements are well known, the supply can be guaranteed, there are no other products or price lists to complicate the relationship.

Document image: 
AUD $33.00

Minutes of Committee meeting

This template for the minutes of a committee meeting contains details of notice, date/time of meeting, quorum present, scribe, chairperson, matters agreed to be recorded in the minutes, formal voting on motions, assignment of agreed actions arising from the committee meeting, outstanding issues, next meeting and confirmation of minutes by the chairperson. (N-89945)

Document image: 
AUD $5.50

Simple contract between NGO &impaired eyesight/blind1NO TEXT

Standard agreement (simple contract) between two parties - "Party A" who can be an association, a co-operative or a company limited by guarantee or an assigned authority under Instrument of Delegation and "Party B" who is a person who has impaired eyesight or is blind and therefore unable read the Agreement. After the Agreement is read to him/her, Party B signs the agreement normally but extra care is taken in witnessing. Australian legal agreement (any State). (N-64730)

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Simple contract between NGO &incapacity/illiterate NO TEXT

Standard agreement (simple contract) between two parties - "Party A" who can be an association, a co-operative or a company limited by guarantee or an assigned authority under Instrument of Delegation and "Party B" who is a person who is incapacitated and/or illiterate and therefore incapable of reading and signing but is normal in every other regard. In this example the document is read and explained to Party B and Party B places a "mark" in lieu of signing. Australian legal agreement (any State). (N-52034)

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Simple contract between NGO &mentally ill/commiss NO TEXT

Standard agreement (simple contract) between two parties - "Party A" who can be an association, a co-operative or a company limited by guarantee or an assigned authority under Instrument of Delegation and "Party B" who is a person who is mentally ill but who can read and write. In this example Party B signs but is looked after by his/her protective commissioner who also acts as witness. Australian legal agreement (any State). (N-65808)

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Simple contract between NGO &impaired hearing/speech NO TEXT

Standard agreement (simple contract) between two parties - "Party A" who can be an association, a co-operative or a company limited by guarantee or an assigned authority under Instrument of Delegation and "Party B" who is a person who has impaired hearing and speech but who can read and write. In this example the witness watches the reading and the signing and considers Party B understood what (s)he was doing. Australian legal agreement (any State). (N-46742)

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Simple contract between NGO &incapacity/attorney NO TEXT

Standard agreement (simple contract) between two parties - "Party A" who can be an association, a co-operative or a company limited by guarantee or an assigned authority under Instrument of Delegation and "Party B" who is a person who is incapacitated (temporary or permanent) and who can read but because of the incapacity cannot write. In this example an attorney signs on behalf of Party B. Australian legal agreement (any State). (N-93820)

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Deed (Contract Under Seal) - incapacity/illiterate NO TEXT

This is a formal deed (contract under seal). This is a generic format between two parties - "Party A" who can be an association, a cooperative or a company limited by guarantee or an assigned authority for a company under Instrument of Delegation and "Party B" who is a person who is incapacitated and/or illiterate and therefore incapable of signing but is normal in every other regard. In this example the person places a "mark" in lieu of signing. Australian legal agreement (any State).

Document image: 
AUD $11.00


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