Management - operational

Management - operational

Publicity Consent Form

A form to be filled out by the person, group, or organisation upon which the advertising material is focussing (the subject). It gives the government or semi-government or NGO department the right to use and publish the material collected, pictures taken, etc. without further approval or payment, but gives a final right of approval prior to publication to the subject and a right to withdraw approval at any time. Privacy Act, 1998 (Cth).

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AUD $11.00

Simple contract between NGO &impaired eyesight/blind2NO TEXT

Standard agreement (simple contract) between two parties - "Party A" who can be an association, a co-operative or a company limited by guarantee or an assigned authority under Instrument of Delegation and "Party B" who is a person who has impaired eyesight or is blind and therefore unable to read the Agreement. However a readable version is prepared for Party B and is signed off, initialled by Party B, and attached to the agreement, after which Party B signs the agreement normally but extra care is taken in witnessing. Australian legal agreement (any State).

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AUD $11.00

Fortnightly time sheet

This fortnightly time sheet is designed for administrators and office staff and contains basic hours, overtime and control over public holidays and sick leave . It assumes that overtime will be paid for as time off in lieu.

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AUD $0.00

Deed (Contract Under Seal) - incapacitated/mark NO TEXT

This is a formal deed (contract under seal). This is a generic format between two parties - "Party A" who can be an association, a co-operative or a company limited by guarantee or or an assigned authority for a company under Instrument of Delegation and "Party B" who is a person who is incapacitated and who can read but because of the incapacity cannot write. In this example the person places a "mark" in lieu of signing. Australian legal agreement (any State).

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Deed (Contract Under Seal) - impaired speech&hearing NO TEXT

This is a formal deed (contract under seal). This is a generic format between two parties - "Party A" who can be an association, a co-operative or a company limited by guarantee or an assigned authority for a company under Instrument of Delegation and "Party B" who is a person who has impaired speech and hearing but who can read and write. Party B signs the deed normally but extra care is taken in witnessing. Australian legal agreement (any State).

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Duty of Care - Parental Consent Form - Excursion 1

In order to perform duty of care, you must know what care is needed. Each child is different. This form to be filled out by the parent giving informed consent to the child to participate in the excursion and clear details regarding health and allergies etc, and granting indemnity to supervisors if duty of care is complied with. Informed consent requires clear details by the delegated supervisor about what the parent is agreeing to. Both Supervisor and Parent completes with a pen.

Document image: 
AUD $0.00

Simple contract between NGO &incapacitated/mark NO TEXT

Standard agreement (simple contract) between two parties - "Party A" who can be an association, a co-operative or a company limited by guarantee or an assigned authority under Instrument of Delegation and "Party B" who is a person who is incapacitated and who can read but because of the incapacity cannot write. In this example the person places a "mark" in lieu of signing. Australian legal agreement (any State).

Document image: 
AUD $11.00


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