C03: Large proprietary company

Some documents (planning & agreement documents) needed to set up a large proprietary company. (CA=#0)

Report Format

A well established standard format for an internal document. It contains title, status, ownership, copyright, history, approval, distribution, page numbering, heading numbering, figures, glossary, table of contents, print details etc.

Document image: 
AUD $3.30

Appointment of an Auditor (kit)

A kit for investigating an auditor prior to appointment and for appointing an auditor at the next AGM. This kit includes (a) an investigative Heads of Agreement that asks key questions confirming that this Firm or Individual is qualified to be an auditor under the Corporations Act 2001 and signed off by the directors/secretary giving the go ahead to appoint him/her; (b) a Prior Consent to Act by a firm of auditors; (c) a Prior Consent to Act by an individual auditor; and (d) Notice of Nomination of the auditor at the next AGM by a Shareholder at least 21 days before the meeting.

Document image: 
AUD $33.00


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