# Precedents Online -ALL legal documents

NSW - Loan - shareholder to company (over 10 years)

This loan agreement in the state of New South Wales is for a new loan by a shareholder to the company for a period exceeding ten years. It uses the moving average interest rate to ensure that equity cannot be seen to accumulate throughout the life of the loan and declarations as to purpose and relationship between the company and the lender to ensure that the loan is to be considered debt not equity under Division 974 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

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AUD $44.00

ACT - Agency Agreement - Manufactured goods

An agreement between a supplier of manufactured goods (the 'principal') and a seller ('the agent') in the Australian Capital Territory that creates an exclusive agency within a given territory for a given period and provides for a continuation of the exclusive agency, so long as the agent continues to meet the requirements of the agreement. It includes mention of a limited warranty agreement between the customer and the supplier and outlines the agent's role in setting up this agreement.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

Contract - hosting for the purpose of performance

This Service Contract is for a contractor to host a website for the purposes of reporting on and improving website performance, paid by three types of annual fee, payable monthly. The contract contains specific clauses related to website design, trademark and copyright and suggested appendices related to performance and improving performance. This contract makes specific reference only to federal law and therefore can be used in any State. This includes reference to

Document image: 
AUD $44.00

NSW - Notice to neighbour to assist in new fence (unequal)

A notice under Dividing Fences Act 1991 to a neighbour to assist in the erection of a dividing fence defining a common boundary, in the State of New South Wales, in which the costs of erecting the fence are to be borne in unequal proportion. This notice is to be served on the neighbour personally or by post to the neighbour's usual or last known residential or business address.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00


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