# Precedents Online -ALL legal documents

Contract - hosting website & additional website design

This is basically two contracts in one. This Service Contract is for a website design company that provides a complete service, including hosting the Client's website and additional services related to design and improving the Client's website and services. Additional Services are conducted under the Terms found in L-3154. The contract contains specific Terms of Engagement related to hosting and specific clauses related to website design, trademark and copyright and suggested appendices detail the web design process and what completion is intended at each settlement.

Document image: 
AUD $44.00

Deed of Sale - Future Transfer - Tas. P2P (formal)

This deed is used for the sale of itemised object(s) of sale in the State of Tasmania. In this version the transfer of ownership is at some date in the future. It includes a release form to be signed by the purchaser upon receipt of the object(s), thereby completing the deal. This is a "private sale" ("person to person"). The vendor states that GST does not apply but if it does (s)he will take care of all responsibilities and benefits related to the sale with the ATO.

Document image: 
AUD $44.00

WILL- Muslim Family man, three children, secular

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a Muslim man with a wife and three children who wishes to acknowledge his Muslim traditions and include clear instructions on how to bury the body as a Muslim but retains complete control over how his estate is to be divided between specific beneficiaries. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testator and two witnesses.

Document image: 
AUD $16.50

WILL- Single parent, woman, 1 child

This simple Will is designed for a single woman with a sole child who leaves everything to her child, else another person. It appoints a guardian for the child. It denies benefit to the father of the child. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testatrix and two witnesses.

Document image: 
AUD $16.50


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