Signs in the workplace
Sign - Name Holder - (standing) for Seminar or Desktop
Two-sided name tag for a seminar or for the desktop. Designed for AVERY J8169 (99.1mm*139mm) 4 names per A4 and for inclusion in deflect-o Seminar/Desk Name Holder Model 68901.
Sign - Trading hours - 7 days
Sign - Disabled access sign with text
Disabled symbol with "access" text (1sign per A4 sheet). Designed for AVERY J8167 (289.1mm*199.6mm).
Sign - No smoking (2)
Two "no smoking" signs per A4 sheet, designed for AVERY J8168 199.6mm*143.5mm.
Sign - Information
One "information" sign (italic) plus text per A4 sheet designed for AVERY J8167 (289.1mm*199.6mm).
Sign - Danger - no entry
One "danger - no entry" sign per A4 sheet. Standard danger sign. Only use when there is the danger of physical injury in the area being entered. For normal "no entry" signs see below. Designed for AVERY J8167 (199.6mm*289.1mm).
Sign - No dogs allowed
Sign - Trading hours - 7 days - Day/Evening
One Trading Hours sign - 7 days, 2 sessions per day - day and evening, start and finish hours.