Miscellaneous Contracts

Shareholders' agreement - 2 members

Shareholders agreement.

A comprehensive agreement (deed) between all the shareholders/directors (in this example 2 members, which makes it slighty different, but it has been written so that other shareholders can be added without the need for a new agreement) of a newly formed Australian company operating under

Document image: 
AUD $66.00

Contract Variation Register

A very simple document but very effective for keeping control over the cost of changes to the project, for projects operating under a development contract or a service level agreement. This document links the change management project documents to the external legal agreement. Changes are represented by a legal agreement (called a "Contract Variation") and this register controls the issue of contract variations and keeps track of their cost to the project.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

Simple Franchise Agreement in return for a share of net

This simple franchise agreement is designed for a successful office franchising to another party the right to open and operate another office under the trading name established by the first office in return for 10% of net profit. It makes a commitment for co-operation on customers based on their location and makes a commitment for supplies and services. It guarantees rights on the lease.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00


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