Loans by shareholders - Debt Not Equity - new loan
This loan agreement is for a new loan with particular purpose. It documents the loan by a shareholder in a way which makes it clear that it is to be considered as debt not equity under Division 974 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. An instrument like this one needs to be created for all loans from shareholders from now on, and should be finalised before the deadline 1 July 2004.
ACT - Loan - non-equity loan to sole trader (under 10 years)
This loan agreement in the Australian Capital Territory is for a new loan by a non-equity interest to a sole trader for a period not exceeding ten years. Australian legal agreement (simple).
WA - Loan - shareholder to company (under 10 years) DEB
Registerable instrument. Simple loan contract. WA - Loan - shareholder to company (under 10 years) DEB
Vic. - Div 7A Loan - loan to associate (under 7 years)
Deed (Contract Under Seal) - Person & PersonNOTEXT
NOTEXT . Standard deed (contract under seal) for an agreement between a person and a person. Good for NSW, Victoria, SA, WA, NT and ACT. For QLD see L-????; for Tas. see L-????. Australian legal agreement.
General form - Court of Appeal (NSW)
A template for a document for use in a the Court of Appeal in NSW based on UCPR Form 101 Version 3. Download the latest version at
Sale of object of sale - individual to individual (simple)
Contract for the private sale between individuals of object(s) of value. Simple version. Any State.
QLD - Agency Agreement - Special club deal for Respondents
An agreement (deed) between a club (the 'principal') and an advertiser and promoter ('the agent') in Queensland that creates an agency for a given period. The Agent issues promotional and advertising that introduces others to the value of membership of the Club and offering a special deal. The special deal gives rise to a discounted first year Membership Fee and a secret Introduction Fee to the Agent.
NSW - Agency Agreement - Assigned Territory (shopfront hard)
An agreement (deed) between a supplier of IT goods and services ('the principal') and a seller ('the agent') who has a shop front in the State of New South Wales that allows the agent to sell three types of contract (goods and services contracts) to his/her customers on behalf of the principal for a commission, the principal having all the expertise and the principal to do all the work. The customer thinks he/she is dealing with the shop. It removes all warranty considerations from the agent and indemnifies the agent from all considerations arising from supply.