Absence letter - school to parent "absent without leave?"
Letter from the school to the family seeking information about possible "absence without leave". Follow up required by the school's policy of "duty of care".
Letter from the school to the family seeking information about possible "absence without leave". Follow up required by the school's policy of "duty of care".
Absence note to the school (from parent or guardian) asking that the student be offered an alternative to the coming [event/course/class] following a decision by the family that he/she should not be "required to attend", and that he/she should not be considered to be "absent", but "otherwise engaged".
Note: we were asked to provide this, following propects that the government in Australia supported 'religous chaplaincy', which interfered with the family's personal educational objectives.
A more detailed gym workout programme for an individual member of a fitness club, useful for the design of a fitness programme by the instructor. It includes a cardio programme, a resistance programme and a coolit programme. (fitness plan, exercise chart, gymnasium plan, resistance program, weight program)
A gym workout programme for an individual member of a fitness club. It includes an attendance record for every day of the year 2004. It has a place for up to 9 plans in the year, including a full description of every routine and includes warm-up, gym workout and cool down. (fitness plan, exercise chart, gymnasium plan, resistance program, weight program)