Political - interaction with government

LEP - Model for chapter headings

The local environment plan (LEP) is not subject to strict rules and planners have adopted a number of different models over the years. This model (in the form of a single page diagram in Visio) has proven very useful to a number of projects in helping to generate the chapters required for a successful LEP.

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AUD $22.00

Submission - desalination plant at Kurnell

This concept plan takes the original concept plan issued by the NSW Government Planning Dept for investigating the desalination plant proposal and modifies it to widen the views of risk and impact and uses the result as a submission to the Commonwealth government. It includes an ethical statement and new concepts related to capture of sewage water outfall and redirection of stormwater outfall, including a high level water recycling flow diagram, a multi-purpose water treatment plant (MWTP) and a floating flexi-weir (FFW) at sea level. International planning document.

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AUD $0.00

Building Standard for dwellings on the 1974 flood plain

Strategic concept exploration. The basic elements of the new building standard proposed for the 1974 flood plain for Brisbane (or Ipswich etc.) - diagram and 9 key elements. Brisbane River. Flood prone 2011. Insurance premiums, new rules. New building codes. The key problem at present is the use of old flood periods without taking into account recent changes caused by global warming. The mayor of Brisbane is still talking about Brisbane River as being a 1/100 year flood plain and therefore says that a levee in Brisbane is unnecessary (let the next generation pay).

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AUD $0.00

Briefing document - SLA Contract with KPI

This service level agreement (SLA) in the form of a briefing document to be provided to and signed off by the contractor accompanies the basic service contract and exists to spell out the service levels agreed by the contractor, target levels of service in the form of KPI (key performance indicators) and the requirements on the contractor if targets are not met. It includes other arrangements for the proper performance under contract, including access, security and so on.

Document image: 
AUD $33.00


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