Project plan

Project plan

UUCP Telecom RelayTopology - V2000

An interesting diagram depicting a network made up of three UNIX servers in three countries, using standard telephone links between them to establish a standard relay UUCP network. The list of nodes shows the three servers and other important nodes such as the Stock Exchange and second-tier details representing printers and terminals, etc. This is a Visio2000 template.

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AUD $3.30

Simple star configuration (example)

A diagram depicting a simple star configuration made up of 4 IBM desktop computers around a hub. A list of points shows detail of 4 nodes. It could go to 8 nodes. Note it is more useful to represent the hub analytically than pictorially as shown in this diagram. This is a picture in a Word document, so is not editable. Just an example.

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AUD $0.00

LEP - document plan

Another plan for determining a number of different documentation projects that can be assigned to different professionals and used for building a local environment plan (LEP). A simple one-page diagram in Visio.

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AUD $11.00

Quality assurance model - integrated compliance model +audit

This interesting model combines the basic quality assurance model with the need to comply with international or national standards or regulations, mainly risk, security, environment, health and safety. This model (operational view - 10 levels under ISO 9000) uses international compliance but these standards could be replaced by local regulatory requirements. This is a project-based operation under

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AUD $44.00

Task-based estimate (multiple standard rates by task)

An estimate using a simple MSExcel spreadsheet for a simple job made up of professional tasks charged out at multiple standard rates by task with a drop-down task list and a look-up price list. Change the price list and the estimate changes. Key in the proposed start times and finished times for each task and have the calculator estimate the task hours and costs.

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AUD $22.00

Work Schedule - Days Planned

This work schedule is designed for consultants planning their commitment to an external job or for internal jobs with "days only" assignments and includes a nine week planning schedule, days planned, and a calculation of the effort required by the team at 3 levels of assignment (project manager, senior, junior), and also a calculation of the effort required by the client at 2 levels of assignment (manager, worker). This can be used as a basic GANTT chart.

Document image: 
AUD $11.00

LEP - Local Environment Plan

The local environment plan (LEP) is not subject to strict rules. Its task is to convince the council and the state government department (and eventually the minister) that the zoning etc. needs to be altered to allow the development to go ahead. This comprehensive LEP format applies the same format to each discipline. They all think that their particular science makes them unique, but, if you can convince them to adopt this simple model, it makes the planner's job easier, and therefore increases the likelihood of the success of the instrument.

Document image: 
AUD $110.00


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