This board policy paper provides the basis for an initial board resolution outlining the company's commitment to ethics at the highest level. It bases its commitments to ethical trade on six categories of "basic human rights and freedoms" (which it derives from the UN Declaration of Human Rights), it declares that the company will not involve itself in crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, genocide (crimes it understands from reading the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court), or life line persecution (absolute poverty), and also commits itself to taking part in initiatives that seek to remove persons from below the (non-absolute) poverty line. It indicates at the highest level how "basic human rights and freedoms" impact on trade, and prepares a board resolution to communicate this to directors, employees, suppliers, customers and competitors of the company. Quite a useful starting point for a large corporation or NGO trading internationally or a large corporation or NGO operating locally but involved in matters significant to world trade. World Trade Organization. WTO. United Nations.

This board policy paper provides the basis for an initial board resolution outlining the company's commitment to ethics at the highest level. It bases its commitments to ethical trade on six categories of "basic human rights and freedoms" (which it derives from the UN Declaration of Human Rights).