Organisation plans & business papers
Code of Ethics: Principles for business (Incorporated Assoc1
Using the concept of stakeholders under nine ethical principles. A declaration on the principles behind the activities and projects of an association incorporated in Australia, made by the Management Committee and made freely available to the public. These are the principles against which the Association will measure its results and is happy to be measured by others. These principles are based on a serious re-write of the US-Russia: Basic Guidelines for Codes of Business Conduct, 1992 with some explanatory statements. Australian association policy statement.
Chart of Accounts - NGO Charity Ltd
A special chart of accounts with a simple way of numbering the accounts for an NGO Charity Ltd registered as a company limited by guarantee under
As a charity it gets its funds from fund-raising campaigns and government grants and other secondary activities and spends its money on projects. (C-48445)
Chart of Accounts - NGO Council (Professional body) Ltd
A special chart of accounts with a simple way of numbering the accounts for an NGO Council Ltd registered as a company limited by guarantee under
As a Federal Council professional body it gets it money from its members (or the state branches) and spends its money informing, educating and representing its members and on its members' welfare. (C-49187)
Org Chart - vertical - 5 levels - Public board
An organisation that needs five levels of operation, because of its public nature, typical for a board of public enquiry or a semi-government service operation. Three departments carry out the main functional purpose of the organisation and three departments service all the other departments. One department is split into four sub-departments for service delivery. Levels 1 to 4 of this organisational structure are dictated by the mission and so never change, short, medium or long term. Level 5 is about service delivery, so could change over time.
Code of Ethics - Mission statement - building a mission
An ethical note that focuses on the building of the mission statement both at formation and throughout the life of the company (or the government department or the NGO) and finds certain clear ethical considerations that present themselves at that moment that naturally takes one outside the company and places the company in society generally.
Code of Ethics - Basic Human Rights (Board policy paper)
This board policy paper provides the basis for an initial board resolution outlining the company's commitment to ethics at the highest level.
Mission - Child Care Centre (simple)
A simple mission statement for a child care centre. Useful for those interested in new organisations to replace ABC Learning or CFK Child Care after their appointment of voluntary administration / receivership.
Briefing Note (SMEs - State vs. Industry)
An interesting document. The Researcher is planning to brief the Minister and the Head of Department on a "problem" related to SMEs at the "State" and at the "Industry" level. This needs to be as "brief" as possible whilst containing all the necessary information for the key players to be "across" the problem. This particular Briefing Note relies heavily on ABS 2006 and ANSIC classifications.
Mission - Out of school hours centre (OOSH) (simple)