For use in the Federal Court, Magistrates' Court, Intermediate (District/County) Court, or in the Supreme Court. The forms supplied free by websites such as LawLink contain a space where the deponent (the maker of the affidavit) types or writes what he or she wants to say on oath or affirmation. Non-lawyers find it difficult to say their evidence in a form which is relevant and admissible in the eyes of the court. Hence deponents might like to look at the following guide to "How To Draft Affidavits" - a short list of DO's and DON'T's - which might assist in making the text affidavit into something relevant and admissible and also persuasive. (L-40297)

An Affidavit for use in the Federal Court, Magistrates' Court, Intermediate (District/County) Court, or in the Supreme Court. (L-40297)