Agreement Contracting & sub-contracting
Agreement Contracting & sub-contracting
Service Contract is for a contractor to work on a project for improving website performance to be completed by a given time (the 'term') and to be paid for a given number of hours within that term.
Service Contract for a contractor to work on a landscape design to go to tender, assist in awarding the tender, and assist in project management.
Master Service Agreement btw. service provider& customer where implied service contracts rely purely upon the issue of a detailed order form. (L-83513)
Agreement (deed) between residents/homeowners of the premises and a builder, where builder is a partnership.
Service Contract for a contractor who works irregular hours and is paid a fee per hour, paid monthly on invoice.
Contract of Services for a Partnership that engages a Sole Trader as Contractor to provide part of that Partnership's (the Outsourcer's) principal operations.
Service Contract for a contractor who works regular hours like an employee and is paid a yearly fee, broken into monthly payments but who is not an employee.
Contract of Services for a company engaging another company as Contractor to provide part of that company's (the Outsourcer's) principal operations.
Agreement engaging a sub-contractor to provide "services only".
Service Contract for a contractor to work on a particular project.