

Legal Briefing -Person briefs solicitor re CRIMINAL matter for the purpose of obtaining legal advice and representation, and it should remain confidential. Do not produce multiple photocopies if the completed document.


AUD $33.00

Last will and testament for a woman in a de facto relationship with three children.


AUD $16.50

Formal confidentiality agreement (or non-disclosure agreement) used by a party in Australia to give important information to a second party in another country.


AUD $44.00

Agreement for the sale of goodwill in an established business by a Partnership to a Company.


AUD $55.00

A comprehensive unanimous agreement (deed) between all the shareholders/directors (in this example 8 members) of a newly formed Australian company.


AUD $66.00

Letter to a Stipendiary Magistrate.


AUD $0.00

WA - Loan - non-equity loan to sole trader (under 10 years)


AUD $44.00

NSW - Div 7A Loan - loan to director (under 7 years)


AUD $44.00

Ten standard agreements.


AUD $33.00

Agreement (deed) between a supplier of IT goods and services ('the principal') and a seller ('the agent') who operates as a "scouter" in the Northern Territory.


AUD $55.00

Notice to a neighbour to assist in the construction of a dividing fence in the State of Queensland.


AUD $11.00

Deed for the sale of itemised object(s) of sale - future transfer - ACT, NSW, NT, SA, Vic., WA P2P.


AUD $44.00

Contract - non-equity loan to sole trader (under 10 years) in the state of NT.


AUD $44.00

Last will & testament for a single Muslim woman who is under the age of eighteen but who asks to be treated as an adult in accordance with traditional Islamic customs.


AUD $16.50

Last will and testament for a single man (following divorce) with one child who leaves everything to his ex-wife, else his child, else another person.


AUD $16.50

A commercial lease designed for a shop in which the landlord provides a tenant with a rent free period as inducement to enter into the lease. The tenant remits GST only on the rent actually paid. Australian legal agreement.


AUD $0.00

Last will and testament of man who leaves his body to science and his estate to his wife else daughter else public purpose.


AUD $16.50

Last will & testament for a widow with three children and seven grandchildren leaving everything to children / grandchildren. (P-81438)


AUD $16.50

Memorandum of Understanding (Bi-lateral agreement) between ministers of two countries.


AUD $55.00

Simple amendment to the lease.


AUD $0.00

Deed Poll signed by sub-contractor employed in Queensland under a separate contract to keep confidential information supplied to him/her.


AUD $33.00

Confidentiality agreement (or non-disclosure agreement) used in the commercial world when it needs to be made absolutely clear that any disclosure of the information now to be revealed in the course of the continuing relationship is likely to be dealt with with the full force of the law.


AUD $44.00

Instrument of delegation by the Proposer's Board of Directors giving a key manager (in this example the IT Manager) the power to authorise on behalf of the Board.


AUD $22.00

Registerable instrument. Simple loan contract.


AUD $55.00

Licence to carpark wash and valet services (wet) in the State of Queensland.


AUD $66.00

Agreement with a person who is incapacitated and/or illiterate and therefore incapable of signing but is normal in every other regard.


AUD $11.00

Loan agreement in the Northern Territory.


AUD $44.00

Agreement between a supplier of manufactured goods (the 'principal') and a seller ('the agent') in the State of South Australia.


AUD $55.00

"Legals strat plan" with 30 steps to change the type of the company from a proprietary company limited by shares to a public company limited by shares.


AUD $33.00

Last will and testament for a woman with four children who leaves everything to her husband, else her children, else another person.


AUD $16.50

Service Contract for a contractor to work on a landscape design to go to tender, assist in awarding the tender, and assist in project management.


AUD $55.00

Deed or Memorandum of Understanding (Tasmania only) between 2 companies to co-operate in a new joint-venture project.


AUD $55.00

Last will and testament for a man with a de facto wife, and a lover, who acknowledges them both by splitting his estate between his wife and his lover.


AUD $16.50

Deed for a simple gratuitous promise to transfer ownership of itemised object(s) in the State of Tasmania. This is the "generic" version useful for a person, a partnership, a company, or under Instrument of Delegation.


AUD $44.00

Simple loan contract.


AUD $44.00

An example Australian last will & testament for a single woman.


AUD $16.50

Ten standard agreements.


AUD $33.00

This licence to occupy is for a licensor (trucking company operator) who has a fully authorised truck compound and has space for a B-Double that he doesn't need at present. The licensee (the truckie) lives nearby and can't park his rig in the residential suburb as it breaks zoning regulations and he has his neighbours complaining about him to Council. It grants licence to occupy for a given period in return for licence fee and certain responsibilities but does not grant leasehold rights or quiet enjoyment. (L-4041)


AUD $0.00

Master Service Agreement btw. service provider& customer where implied service contracts rely purely upon the issue of a detailed order form. (L-83513)


AUD $55.00

Companies overlook or badly utilise some of the most simple problem solving tools available to us today.


AUD $0.00

Agreement (deed) between residents/homeowners of the premises and a builder, where builder is a partnership.


AUD $33.00

Formal contract between a Company (the Seller) and a co-operative (the Buyer). (Romalpa clause). Any State.


AUD $33.00

QLD - Enduring Power of Attorney (1 attorney) -eligible signer


AUD $11.00

Last will & testament for a Muslim family woman with no children who leaves her estate to be divided in the traditional Islamic manner.


AUD $16.50

Loan agreement in the State of Western Australia for a new loan by a person to another person.


AUD $44.00

Contract between a customer and a corporate body licensed as a private security operator.


AUD $44.00

Deed (contract under seal) between two parties ("Party A" and "Party B") and either party can be a person, a sole trader, a partnership or a company or an assigned authority for a company.


AUD $11.00

NSW - Div 7A Loan - loan to associate (under 7 years)


AUD $44.00

Stat dec executed in (Any State) to make special guarantees about a particular deliverable as required by the Issuer.


AUD $11.00

Agreement (deed) between a supplier of IT goods and services ('the principal') and a seller ('the agent') who has a shop front in the Northern Territory.


AUD $55.00
