Manufacturing - ERP failures

Manufacturing - ERP failures

Little attention is given to the change and the risk involved that a company will face to achieve the promised results from ERP systems.


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The key issues in the manufacturing 'crises'; a series of 'question and answer's.


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Without a model, it is akin to building a house by just randomly building walls and ceilings without a design.


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Australia is at a crossroads in manufacturing. With global competition coming from many sources like India and China we are under threat of losing our manufacturing capability.


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Executives need to take a different, more broadly based view if they want ERP to provide the benefits the technology is capable of.


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Common complaints emerging from organisations implementing ERP systems.


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Six Sigma or Lean Manufacturing thinking? Which is the best one to use for problem-solving across the organisation?


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It is time to take a realistic look at the industry and the what's behind the high cost and high failures of ERP.


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There is a common theme the mining industry.


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"Sign a cheque solution" implies that if you sign this cheque, it will all fall into place. The cheque will typically be very large, with few, if any, guarantees of success.


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Investing large amounts of money, most managers and most Board members will have a comprehensive understanding of the drivers of success for this industry. This is NOT what generally happens with the spending on an ERP project!


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For companies included in 70% statistic of underperforming ERP systems, the warning signs are there from the beginning.


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The integrated nature of ERP makes it difficult for users to isolate the causes of the problems being experienced.


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Moving on from MRPII: The fundamental principles behind Lean Manufacturing.


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After nearly 30 years, questions and debate still abound as to the effectiveness of ERP systems and where to go from here.


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Lean manufacturing is a comprehensive term referring to methodologies based on maximising value and minimising waste in the manufacturing process.


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Our work with many organisations on ERP project analysis, project recovery and expert witness work indicate some interesting recurring events.


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Options for a failed or non performing ERP project?.


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Consciously re-engineering manual processes and eliminating 'cost-adding' activities that provide no value.


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The ERP industry has generated a huge gravy train for software houses, their implementation partners and consultants.


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With only 30% of implementations achieving the returns expected, it is time to take a realistic look at how we are going about things.


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The Failure Blame Game - Can Australian Business really afford these failures?


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ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, whilst seen as essential for todays business, comes with a considerable amount of risk. The statistics on success are alarming.


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Basic problem solving tools provided to employees.


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A new era coming to Australia in ERP and this will result in a more open transparent honest relationship between sellers and the company.


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Companies overlook or badly utilise some of the most simple problem solving tools available to us today.


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One of the ten main reasons ERP systems implementations fail to match expectations: “The Lack of Top Management Commitment”.


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Claims from ERP vendors when pushing for project start-up about assistance that will be provided in the project management stage.


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ERP, yesterday's great vision! Today we don't discuss it in public!  This article gives us 'The Devil's Triangle'.


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Thirty years ago the success rate for MRPII was around 30%. Thirty years later, it is as if we have learnt nothing in 30 years.


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Over the last five years the success rates of ERP implementations have run at somewhere around 30% to 40%.


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Effectiveness of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems and their MRP/MRPII (Manufacturing Resource Planning) predecessors.


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The ERP world is littered with disasters that seem to be ignored when prospective buyers are looking for a new ERP system.


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