This generic deed is suitable for a deed between two corporations in the State of Queensland. In its template form it says nothing and does nothing. However it contains useful interpretation clauses, useful implementation clauses, and confidentiality clauses. In its first section the template contains ample fields where the customer can insert a "recital" of the circumstances giving rise to the deed. In its "operative" section the template contains: * Covenants (undertakings) of each of the parties. For example: "The First Party shall ... do such and such by a certain date ...."
* Mutual Agreements of the parties. For example: "The Parties hereby agree that the matter shall be agreed without the need for any court proceedings in relation to the subject matter of the recital and operative part of this Deed and that the Arbitrator’s finding shall be considered as final and binding on both parties." or
"The Parties hereby agree that this Deed may be pleaded in bar to any court proceedings in relation to the subject matter of the recital and operative part of this Deed". This deed does not contain such agreements but includes a section called "Mutual Agreements" for such agreements.
* Declarations of the parties. Some examples appear in the template.
Good luck, and remember: agreements that aren't in writing aren't worth the paper they are not written on.

Deed between two corporations in the State of Queensland.