A blank 'stat dec' form for declaration in the State of South Australia. This is in document form, useful if you wish to simply print it out and fill it in using a pen. A list of all persons qualified to witness or affirm the signature of the declarant is attached. (L-48186)
Real Estate - South Australia
Some useful links to free forms for RE stat decs from SA Govt website 11/6/2022 :
- Stat dec - Transfer of property between married couples pursuant to an order of the Family Court or Maintenance Agreement approved by the Family Court>> https://www.revenuesa.sa.gov.au/forms-and-publications/documents/forms/S...
- Transfer of the shared residence or motor vehicle/s between spouses or former spouses or domestic partners or former domestic partners>> https://www.revenuesa.sa.gov.au/forms-and-publications/documents/forms/S...
- Transfer of property between former domestic partners or a trustee of a domestic partner's superannuation fund pursuant to a Certified Domestic Partnership Agreement or a Property Adjustment Order>> https://www.revenuesa.sa.gov.au/forms-and-publications/documents/forms/S...
- Transfer of a family farm>> https://www.revenuesa.sa.gov.au/forms-and-publications/documents/forms/S...
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Stat dec in the State of South Australia. (L-48186)