This sustainability report looks at the viability of long term participation of the company in the environment in which it operates. It is written for a large player like a global or national supplier or a government department or local government entity. Many sustainability reports are window dressing; a touchy/feely way of re-writing the company's annual report. The docDownload paradigm sees the sustainability report as a special kind of strategic plan with yearly reporting against a 5 year plan, a more general 10 year objective and a (hopefully improving) moving 40 year average. It focuses on ways of measuring performance against real measures of the company's impact on the environment, with some measures of its economic and social impact as well. This is the Australian version that links up with ESD (Ecologically Sustainable Development) indicators. It contains 25 scientific measurement indicators explained in the glossary of terms, 25 social impact indicators and 15 (normal) economic indicators. It contains 15 separate scientific assessment reports and a 3-level sustainability plan. (International Planning document with an Australian bias)

Sustainability report looking at the viability of long term participation of the company in the environment in which it operates.