Tender - other (legals)
Tender - other (legals)
Deed Poll signed by a sub-contractor giving an undertaking to keep confidential information supplied to him/her.
Confidentiality agreement (or non-disclosure agreement) (deed format) where the Issuer is making available Due Diligence Material to the officers, employees, agents and advisers nominated by the Tenderer.
Instrument of delegation by the Tenderer's Board of Directors to a key manager to authorise the Tender and associated documents.
Service level agreement (SLA) spelling out the service levels in the tender.
Legal document accompanying the Tender often used to guarantee products, services and/or prices on offer in the accompanying Tender.
Declaration to be bound by the contents of the tender (the Terms of Lodgement) (often the first thing to appear in the Schedules attached to the Formal Tender).
A legal document accompanying the Tender to guarantee that information has not been received in circumstances that constitute a breach of confidentiality.
Service Contract for a contractor to work on a landscape design to go to tender, assist in awarding the tender, and assist in project management; to be completed by a given time (the 'term').
Instrument of delegation by the Board (of the Customer) appointing a nominee to handle a Master Service Agreement.
Service Contract for a contractor to work on a landscape design to go to tender, assist in awarding the tender, and assist in project management.
Confidentiality agreement (or non-disclosure agreement) (deed format) where the Issuer is making available Due Diligence Material to a Sub-contractor nominated by a Tenderer.
Formal certificate identifying the Tenderer attached to the Tender.