This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a man in a same sex marriage (SSM) with any number of children, one or more from the current marriage, and one or more from a previous marriage. He leaves everything to his current husband, else his children (in a list) in equal share (regardless of who their mothers are), else another person. He gives specific instruction to treat all children the same. He makes reference to (an)other(s) considered by him to be (a) step child(ren) but gives clear instruction that (they) are not to benefit as residual beneficiaries of his estate. It includes (simple) definitions of 'same sex marriage', 'stepchild', 'my child'. It describes 6 fundamental trustee provisions assisting the execution of the will. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testator and two witnesses. (P-11028)

Will for a man in a same sex marriage (SSM) - everything to my husband, else my kids (in a list) in equal share, exclude others. (P-11028)