Will - Same Sex Marriage Man

Will for a man married to another.

WILL- SSM-M Married man, husband to benefit, then 2 groups: mine & his

An interesting example. This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a man in a same sex marriage (SSM) who leaves everything to his husband, but has agreed with his husband that if either should predecease the other they will split the residual estate into two equal shares: one share for my kids and one share for my husband's kids. In this example there are six on his side and three on my side, but it could be any number. It describes 6 fundamental trustee provisions assisting the execution of the will.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

WILL- SSM-M Married man, One child, husband or child to benefit, else public purpose

In this Australian last will and testament this man in a same sex marriage (SSM) has one child and leaves everything to his husband, else his daughter, else public purpose. He appoints his husband and someone he trusts as executors of this Will and trustees of his estate. He wants his body to be cremated and the ashes to be cast upon the sea. He includes a special requirement on predecease of both, to acknowledge his husband's wishes. It describes 6 fundamental trustee provisions assisting the execution of the will.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

WILL- SSM-M Married man, husband, any number of children, exclude step-child(ren)

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a man in a same sex marriage (SSM) with any number of children, one or more from the current marriage, and one or more from a previous marriage. He leaves everything to his current husband, else his children (in a list) in equal share (regardless of who their mothers are), else another person. He gives specific instruction to treat all children the same.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

WILL- SSM-M Married man, husband, 2 children, guardian?

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a man in a same sex marriage (SSM) with two children, who leaves everything to his husband, else his children in equal share, else another person. It also considers the matter of who should be the guardian if both parents die while the child/children is/are a minor. Just the basics, no trustee provisions. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testator and two witnesses. (P-11026)

Document image: 
AUD $16.50

WILL- SSM-M Married man, husband, 6 children, basic format

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a man in a same sex marriage with (six) children who leaves everything to his husband, else his kids in equal share, else another person. Just the basics, no trustee provisions. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testator and two witnesses. (P-11024)

Document image: 
AUD $16.50

WILL- SSM-M, Married man, husband, 3 children, incl. step-child(ren)

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a man in a same sex marriage (SSM) with three children (one or more of whom is a stepchild) who leaves everything to his husband, else his children in equal share, else another person. Includes (simple) definition of 'same sex marriage', 'stepchild', 'my child'. He gives specific instruction to treat all children the same. It describes 6 fundamental trustee provisions assisting the execution of the will.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

WILL- SSM-M Married man, husband, 1 child, guardian?

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a same sex married (SSM) man with a sole child who leaves everything to his husband, else his child, else another person. It also considers the matter of who should be the guardian if both parents die while the child is a minor. It describes 6 fundamental trustee provisions assisting the execution of the will. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testatrix and two witnesses. (P-11020)

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

WILL- SSM-M Married man, husband, 2 children, include a step-child

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a same sex married (SSM) man with two children (one of whom is a stepchild) who leaves everything to his husband, else his children in equal share, else another person. He gives specific instruction to treat both children the same. It describes 6 fundamental trustee provisions assisting the execution of the will. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testatrix and two witnesses. (P-11016)

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

WILL- SSM-M Married man, 2 children, husband life tenancy in house

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a man in a same sex marriage (SSM). He has two children. He leaves everything to his kids in equal share. He includes a simple Trust that is run by his children that allows quiet enjoyment of his house to his husband (or it could be his lover, for example) for the rest of his life. It describes 6 fundamental trustee provisions assisting the execution of the will. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testatrix and two witnesses. (P-11014)

Document image: 
AUD $55.00


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