Chart of Accounts - small business - service industry
A detailed chart of accounts for a small business or a small company providing services and using MYOB or similar registered under (C-48915)
A detailed chart of accounts for a small business or a small company providing services and using MYOB or similar registered under (C-48915)
A special chart of accounts with a simple way of numbering the accounts for an NGO Council Ltd registered as a company limited by guarantee under
As a Federal Council professional body it gets it money from its members (or the state branches) and spends its money informing, educating and representing its members and on its members' welfare. (C-49187)
A detailed chart of accounts for a company registered under the Corporations Act 2001 trading in goods, private or public, with a simple way of numbering the accounts. (C-52517)
A detailed 10-column EOY worksheet (MSExcel spreadsheet) based on properly developed Chart of accounts for a non-profit NGO organization (Charity Ltd), in preparation for publication of Financial Report under
This is the document that links the balances in the Ledger, as shown in the Trial Balance, to the final published Financial Statements, where adjustments to and design of the final accounts takes place.
A detailed 10-column EOY worksheet (MSExcel spreadsheet) based on properly developed chart of accounts for a small business trading in services. This is the document that links the balances in the Ledger, as shown in the Trial Balance, to the final published Financial Statements, where adjustments to and design of the final accounts takes place.
A Trial Balance (in MSExcel) based on the Chart of accounts for an NGO Council Ltd.
A Trial Balance (in MSWord) based on the Chart of accounts for a company Ltd or Pty (public or private).
A key document for keeping control of cheque payments. A means of standardising the supporting documents for each cheque drawn. It is completed prior to signing and it is handed to the cheque signatory with supporting documents attached. The signatory signs the cheque and the voucher. It is filed in cheque number order. Very useful in a corporate accounting environment or in an incorporated association where the signatory may require reference to approvals signed off in the past and supporting documents used to justify payments.
A Trial Balance (in MSWord) based on the Chart of accounts for an NGO Council Ltd.
A Trial Balance (in MSExcel) based on the chart of accounts for an NGO Charity Ltd (above).