Circulating resolutions

Black. The replaceable rules of the Corporations Act 2001 allows for resolutions of the Board to be passed without the need for a directors' meeting, if the directors all sign a document stating that they are in favour of the resolution set out in the document. This section contains viable documents to be used as circulating resolutions. (See Replaceable Rules Note below). (CD=#2)

Circulating Resolutions Kit

A complete kit made up of twenty-five key documents required when running the company using the circulating resolutions method allowed under the Corporations Act 2001. It contains all the documents listed in the Circulating Resolutions section. C-0033, C-0128, C-0145, C-0131, C-0130, C-0143, C-0134, C-0126, C-0127, C-0124, C-0132, C-0125, C-0109, C-0123, C-0129, C-0212, C-0213, C-0214, C-0215, C-0216, C-0217, C-0218, C-2007, C-0180, C-0181. Australian company notices.

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