Policy & procedures

Failure to Pay & Bad Debt - policy manual (WA)

An extract from the company's policy manual regarding failure to pay and bad debt recovery in Western Australia. It includes a debt recovery procedure and a Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts. It describes all possible variations to the debt recovery procedure such as dispute, leniency, ability to pay, pay by instalment, moratorium, write-off and legal proceedings.

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AUD $22.00

Policy Manual

A two page model for a policy manual. It looks similar to the policy statement model, but it is intended to cover everything that needs to be spoken about the policy, its history, its relationships to other policies and its future application. Not how, but why, when, where and by whom. International corporate administration document.

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AUD $11.00

Corporate Profile

The Corporate Profile is a description of the company and its day to day operations. The document is prepared to give to outsiders who are close enough to the company to know important inside information about the company, such as bankers, prospective clients, prospective shareholders and other investors. The Corporate Profile is often included in Reply to Tender and Proposal. The corporate profile is the responsibility if the Board of Directors.

AUD $0.00


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