Tools (Australian legal environment)

Simple Legal Numbering 9 levels by Paragraphs

A simple template for legal paragraph numbering, nine levels. We don't recommend you use all nine levels (most use the first four) but they are there if you need them. Chapter (manual) headings mirror the automatic paragraph numbering ordered by a chapter-para [1-9] regime. Use indenture Simple Legal Paragraph Style {Increase Indent} {Decrease Indent} or simply copy the previous chapter to start a new numbering regime. Simple stuff. It ain't pretty but it works!

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AUD $3.30

Simple Legal Numbering 9 levels Headings only

A simple template for legal headings numbering, nine levels. We don't recommend you use all nine levels (most fit into first four) but they are there if you need them. Chapter level, sub-chapter level, sub-sub-chapter level, and so on. The automatic Heading numbering ordered by 9 levels of heading. Text is Normal. Use Style: Heading 1-9 or simply copy the chapter template to start a new numbering regime. Simple stuff. It ain't pretty but it works!

Document image: 
AUD $3.30
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