Will (see also Personal - Death)

WILL- Gay man - partner, else public purpose

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a homosexual who leaves everything in his residual estate to his partner, with special instructions for the partner to be treated as if this were a lawful same sex marriage, else to a public NGO or charity to be used for a purpose as described in Principal Rule(s) of Inclusion. It describes 6 fundamental trustee provisions assisting the execution of the will. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testator and two witnesses. (P-69569)

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

WILL- Gay man - partner, else 3 friends

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a homosexual man who leaves everything to his partner with special instructions for the partner to be treated as if this were a lawful same sex marriage, else his three friends in equal share. It describes 6 fundamental trustee provisions assisting the execution of the will. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testator and two witnesses. (P-38290)

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

WILL- Gay man - share equally between partner and 2 children

Some gays who have kids from a previous relationship want their responsibility to them and to their partner to be acknowledged and dealt with at the time of their death. This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a homosexual gay guy with two children (one of whom is the child of his partner and one of whom is his own child) who splits his residual estate equally between his partner and his children. It denies benefit to the mother(s) of the children. It describes 6 fundamental trustee provisions assisting the execution of the will.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

WILL- Gay man - partner, 2 children (guardian), lover

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a homosexual with a partner and two children and a lover, who acknowledges each of them by splitting his estate between his partner, his lover and his children, one-third each. It denies benefit to the mother(s) of the children. It assumes the testator is the legal guardian of the children and therefore transfers this guardianship to his partner. It describes 6 fundamental trustee provisions assisting the execution of the will.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

WILL- Gay man - shared between partner and children

Some homosexuals who have children from a previous relationship want their responsibility to their children and to their partners to be acknowledged and dealt with at the time of their death. This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a gay guy with two kids who splits his residual estate equally between his partner and his kids, else another person. It denies benefit to the mother(s) of the children. It describes 6 fundamental trustee provisions assisting the execution of the will.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

WILL- Gay man - partner, else 2 children

Many homosexuals have children from a previous relationship but want their partner to be treated like any husband or wife, and for the partner to be trusted to do the best by their children. This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a gay guy with two kids who leaves everything to his partner with special instructions for the partner to be treated as if this were a lawful same sex marriage, else his children in equal share, else another person. It denies benefit to the mother(s) of the children.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

WILL- Gay man - split between partner and 3 friends

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a homosexual gay guy with a partner and three friends, who acknowledges each of them by splitting his estate between his partner (two-thirds) and his three friends (one-third, shared equally). It describes 6 fundamental trustee provisions assisting the execution of the will. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testator and two witnesses. (P-11560)

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

WILL- Gay man - basic - partner only, else friend

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a homosexual gay guy who leaves everything in his residual estate to his partner, else friend, with special instructions for the partner to be treated as if this were a lawful same sex marriage. Just the basics, no trustee provisions. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testator and two witnesses. (P-12712)

Document image: 
AUD $16.50

WILL- Lesbian - shared between partner and 2 children

Some lesbians who have children from a previous relationship want their responsibility to their children and to their partners to be acknowledged and dealt with at the time of their death. This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a lesbian woman with two children who splits her residual estate equally between her partner and her children, else another person. It denies benefit to the father(s) of the children. It describes 6 fundamental trustee provisions assisting the execution of the will.

Document image: 
AUD $55.00

WILL- Lesbian - partner, else 3 friends

This simple Australian last will and testament is designed for a lesbian woman who leaves everything to her partner with special instructions for the partner to be treated as if this were a lawful same sex marriage, else her three friends in equal share. It describes 6 fundamental trustee provisions assisting the execution of the will. It can be easily completed as a form on the screen and then printed and signed by the testatrix and two witnesses. (P-94150)

Document image: 
AUD $55.00


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